Month: November 2017

  • Savoy – Cata (feat. LoBounce)

    Savoy – Cata (feat. LoBounce)

    It’s like setting yourself on fire, but worse, ‘cause there are no flames to save you by melting your ear drums. Instead, the merciless drilling-bass will proceed to creep its way into your every fiber, flanked by strafing raw rhythms. This sounds bad, doesn’t it? Paradoxically, it’s not. It’s one of the best dark techno tracks I’ve heard back in 2016. It is, however, definitely not for the faint of heart, or, should I say, not for the faint of mental resistance.

    I think the album’s cover fits this song perfectly. There’s a whole lot of magic alien snake skeleton venom flowing through this track. Calling this a “melody” would do it an injustice. Not because it’s not melodic, but because the word “melody” is too fluffy for this monolithic piece of dark beauty.

    You can listen to the melody for free, in good quality, on SoundCloud, which is a great outlet for both emerging and established artists.^

    YouTube (decent quality):^

    For Spotify Users (high quality):^

    And what a gorgeous album cover. Totally in tune with the song!

    Savoy - Self Predator
    Savoy – Self Predator

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’Savoy – Cata (feat. LoBounce)’ desc=’The merciless drilling-bass will proceed to creep its way into your every fiber, flanked by strafing raw rhythms.’]

  • Does Cryptocurrency Have a Future?

    Does Cryptocurrency Have a Future?

    The cryptocurrency craze is on! Social media websites have been swarmed by advertisers hoping to entice people to jump on the Bitcoin wagon or tempting them to invest in any of the ICOs (initial coin offerings) popping up almost on a weekly basis for various competing cryptocurrencies. It’s almost hysterical.

    The Bitcoin has grown by more than 1400% in about a year. That’s a staggering development no matter who you ask. Many analysts warn that the bubble will soon burst^, but they’ve been saying this^ for months and the Bitcoin is still growing.

    There are a lot of Bitcoin pessimists out there, including people that worked with blockchain technology for a long time. It’s interesting to read what this senior Bitcoin software engineer^ was saying back in January. I wonder if he still has the same opinion now when the currency has climbed this much.

    I would love nothing better than to see the current financial system shaken to the core and forced to evolve. Competition is great. We’ve been abused long enough by banks using centuries-old practices and mentalities, working like packs of ruthless sharks instead of collaborators in the world we build for our children.

    Increasing in value the way it does, the Bitcoin’s upcoming crash seems more inevitable with every psychological threshold it passes. And given the network’s already known weaknesses (such as long transaction confirmation times) not if but when this correction occurs, it risks bringing a lot of people to tears. Or, as an analyst put it: “it’s going to be pandemonium”.

    As it crashes, the Bitcoin will drag along with it the rest of the cryptocurrency market whose growth, to be honest, is even more ridiculous than that of the Bitcoin. Just look at this insane list of one hundred different cryptocurrencies, most of which are not even more than a year or two out in the “market”:^

    The Bitcoin may survive any number of crashes and even the dents in reputation that come with such an erratic evolution. What the Bitcoin will not survive, however, is a heavy-handed regulatory crackdown that may happen if the rich & powerful 1% see it as a threat to the financial status-quo. China is already taking steps towards regulation^ and the fact that countries such as North Korea rely on Bitcoin to sponsor shady deals might bring cryptocurrencies in general under serious scrutiny. The enemies of an independent financial system are waiting for their moment to destroy this initiative.

    But then again, there’s other, more devious ways to tarnish the reputation of cryptocurrencies for years to come. For example, a disastrous cryptocurrency crash that will send investors scurrying back to their comfort zones of old. Oh, how banks would love that! I wouldn’t be surprised to see banks one day investing and the next day dumping their Bitcoins faster than most people can escape the collapsing hell. It’s the little guys that usually get squashed during a market crash.

    On an entirely different note, what about the environmental impact of cryptocurrency mining? Yes, there is such a thing. In a previous version of this article, I was wondering if this is a worthy question. Just weeks later, this excellent article^ showed up. BitCoin is the worst offender when it comes to wasted energy. During late 2017, mining BitCoin amounted to the output generated by anywhere from 1 to 3 nuclear reactors. All this for a currency that is backed by little more than public sentiment.

    How much will cryptocurrency mining waste in the coming years? There are better things to do with our energy supplies than investing in digital currency. I want and believe in an alternative to the current financial system, but the costs at which it comes might be too great. Fortunately, alternatives to BitCoin are less wasteful, but investing too much of our resources in this digital coin rush seems reckless and even disrespectful towards our ecosystem.

    Update 2017-12-14: A bit over two weeks after publishing this article, the BitCoin fever is still in full swing, with the currency having gained another massive ~20% on top of its already huge price point – all within a single week. Here’s what Reuters had to say about it:^

    The risks are higher than ever. If I’d own BitCoin, I’d sell at least 75% right now.

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’Does Cryptocurrency Have a Future?’ desc=’The cryptocurrency craze is on! The Bitcoin has grown by more than 1200% in about a year.’]

  • Hybrid – Enjoy The Silence

    Hybrid – Enjoy The Silence

    Leave it to Hybrid to turn an already good song (by Depeche Mode) into a mixture of lush, rich sound with a convincing buildup and a beautiful detour that leads to a sparkling climax. This is a hybrid made up of all the goodness of electronica and the richness of the human voice. Oh, and it’s anything but silent, of course :).

    “All I ever wanted
    All I ever needed
    Is here in my arms
    Words are very unnecessary
    They can only do harm
    Vows are spoken
    To be broken
    Feelings are intense
    Words are trivial
    Pleasures remain
    So does the pain
    Words are meaningless
    And forgettable”

    YouTube (decent quality):^

    For Spotify Users (high quality):^

    For Deezer Users (high quality):^

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’Hybrid – Enjoy The Silence’ desc=’This is a hybrid made up of all the goodness of electronica and the richness of the human voice.’]

  • How the Lack of Touch Is Damaging Men

    How the Lack of Touch Is Damaging Men

    Most people feel much more comfortable seeing two women holding hands rather than two men, even if the two men are father and son. The men might be brothers, but still, a large part of society will assume some sort of sexual background behind the simple and beautiful act of sharing the sense of touch. And when it comes to sex, the differences in social acceptance between lesbians and gays is even greater. Why is that?

    The article below explains the developmental and educational roots of what is one of the most damaging discriminations made by society: starting already from early childhood, men are deprived of platonic touch. This is robbing men of the emotional security that touch brings to most mammals and particularly primates.^

    I think the (male) author pretty much nailed it when it comes to a major affliction that is crippling our society. The extent of the damage is not hard to imagine: it fuels emotional insecurity, strengthens stereotypes and, worst of all, poisons human interaction. Who knows how many terrible disagreements would have been avoided if (most) men would not have missed out on vital emotional education?

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’How the Lack of Touch Is Damaging Men’ desc=’The extent of the damage is not hard to imagine: it fuels emotional insecurity, strengthens stereotypes and, worst of all, poisons human interaction’]

  • Conjure One – Center Of The Sun (Solarstone’s Chilled Out Remix)

    Conjure One – Center Of The Sun (Solarstone’s Chilled Out Remix)

    Here’s a sweet, dreamy mental enhancer and remedy. It’s a song of remarkable gentleness, a creation that flows straight into the hungry soul of imagination. At times like this, I am grateful that the artist wasn’t shy to prolong the pleasure towards the 10 minutes mark. Life is more beautiful when accompanied by art such as this.

    Do make sure to see the amazing video below. Words are simply not enough to express the beauty of this song-video combination. Even though the video was not made for this song and the song was not made for this video, an inspired fan put them together and the result is a staggering emotional roller-coaster. It’s one of the best song-video combinations I know.

    The original melody is wonderful as well and I linked it below. But the (well-named!) chilled out remix of the track, combined with the right visual weaponry have brought tears to my eyes and not only once.

    “When I close my eyes
    I am at the center of the sun
    And I cannot be hurt
    By anything this wicked world has done


    I look into your eyes
    And I am at the center of the sun
    And I cannot be hurt
    By anything this wicked world has done”

    YouTube (decent quality, MUST-SEE video):^

    For Spotify Users (high quality):^

    For Deezer Users (high quality):^

    And here’s the original version of the song:

    YouTube (decent quality):^

    For Spotify Users (high quality):^

    For Deezer Users (high quality):^

    This Weekly Song entry has been brought from the FaceBook archive of Weekly Song^. This exploration was originally started through a FaceBook page, about 13 months prior to launching Mentatul. Slowly but surely, the entire FaceBook archive will be brought here.

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’Conjure One – Center Of The Sun (Solarstone's Chilled Out Remix)’ desc=’A song of remarkable gentleness, a creation that flows straight into the hungry soul of imagination.’]

  • About Politics Polarization with Renowned Psychologist Jonathan Haidt

    About Politics Polarization with Renowned Psychologist Jonathan Haidt

    This is one of the most interesting and informative presentations about the times we’re living. It is about how social factors have created a climate of mutual distrust in the world and about how our society has become dangerously split. Doctor Jonathan Haidt focuses on the political arena because it is there where our future is often decided. In this most critical area, the current social polarization is doing the most damage.^

    This talk is of even more value than it was last year, before the democratic catastrophe that took place in the United States, where the electorate was basically asked to choose between two of the least popular candidates ever. The warning is clear: it is up to every single one of us to contribute to the healing of our society, lest even darker days will be upon us.

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’About Politics Polarization with Renowned Psychologist Jonathan Haidt’ desc=’This is one of the most interesting and informative presentations about the times we're living.’]

  • Corporations, Corrupt Governments, Militaries and Lots of Empathy

    Corporations, Corrupt Governments, Militaries and Lots of Empathy

    Given all that’s happening in the world (wars, social injustice, brainwashing via mass-media and entertainment) it’s tempting to say we need a revolution. The heritage of this word is a bloody one. It is clear we need change. But let us embrace the concept of evolution.

    The very idea of revolution implies a return to a previous state. It is circular and repetitive in nature, just like our violent history. Evolution means breaking this vicious circle. Due to the upcoming technological advances, which will make nuclear weapons look like wet firecrackers, we are forced to evolve rather than revolve. I believe one of the keys of the next evolutionary step (if not the key) is generalized empathy.

    Social entities are people too

    Humans are social creatures. We’re organized in various groups that, naturally, tend to behave just like humans do. Humans compete. At least partially, the urge to compete is powered by the survival instinct.

    A corporation, for example, is a social entity that competes economically within the market ecosystem. It has a survival instinct that expresses itself through the decisions of the people leading it. And the people leading it must act in the interest of the organization, otherwise it will perish. Due to the high stakes involved, these individuals often end up disconnecting from their humanity in order to become the brain of this abstract creature – the often-ruthless corporation.

    This is only one of the empathic explanations for the reckless and sometimes outright criminal behavior of corporate leaders. Not only does this explanation make sense (if you are empathic), but is also one that relieves us from the debilitating pressure that builds up while being in a state of permanent anger and dissatisfaction. Blame is how we hide from solving problems within our society and relationships.

    The survival instinct factor can’t be stressed enough. In all people – some less than others – there is a very deeply rooted instinct to gather more of everything (thus ensuring one’s future). Even though we know right from wrong (depending on education), maintaining an ethically-correct behavior – while having this biological need to accumulate always throbbing in the back of one’s mind – requires a great deal of free will discipline.

    An empathic case can also be made for corrupt governments. Lord Acton once said that “power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely”. The greater the power, the greater the disconnect from one’s roots as an innocent human being. And isn’t corruption really just a symptom of this unfortunate disconnection? Just like corporate leaders, corrupt government officials separate themselves from the people they should have in their care. So, it is not surprising to see many of them fall prey to the “gather more of everything” impulse.

    Crime as flexible concept

    As ethics often shows, whether an act is a crime or not can be highly debatable. Law establishes certain boundaries, but law is almost always one step behind social change. If we apply what I’d call future-law (as opposed to the current judicial system which will probably be deemed as barbaric in some time from now), the greatest criminals often go unpunished. This is part due to human cunning, and part due to a judicial branch that doesn’t yet factor in some of the most serious crimes such as social irresponsibility.

    For example, those that knowingly set up and contribute to an educational system that produces broken individuals will eventually be seen just as bad (if not worse) as the individuals who were advertising tobacco and other poisonous substances in the past. Allowing the existence of an educational system that is damaging minds is a serious mistake. I can agree that most of the participants to this are victims of the same perpetuating system, but this educational cycle needs to be broken as well.

    By building an improper foundation for society, it is not surprising that we often end up voting in tyrants and sociopaths. Easily manipulatable citizens become facilitators for human disasters.

    Of course, some would argue that the entire point of this lack of education is to allow crooked governments to stay in power. But that was never a good long-term solution. The history book shows how many times this way of abusing citizens blew up in the face of the oppressors. Democracy without healthy education leads to dangerous, unpredictable situations.

    Often, that’s when armies come in. Finding justifications for the existence of the military is ethically challenging. The unfortunate soldiers become murderers while those that escape killing their own kind are facilitators and accomplices. Sure, the murder becomes “following orders” and even the orders have all sorts of geo-political motivations.

    It is exactly these motivations which make crime a highly relative term. More often than not, it’s not even naturally relative but rather a human-manipulated relativity. “History is written by the winners” and so are the rules that later decide what was crime and what was not.

    In this jungle of complexity, there is one behavior that can simplify and clarify the way forward towards a healthier, happier society.

    Generalized empathy and the science of empathy

    Humans are capable of great empathy. Through conscious action, empathy can be extended to complex human social structures (cultures, ethnic groups, social entities), to different species, towards the planet itself and the list goes on. This is generalized empathy, a wise and constructive conscious behavior. When (not if) this will predominate in our society, we will enter an age of amazing social transformation.

    This breakthrough can be accelerated through guidance. An education in empathy is necessary not only from the immediate family, but also throughout one’s journey as a student. Empathy should be a mandatory subject, a must-know science. An empathic population does not find it acceptable to commit crimes and will almost certainly not tolerate primitive manifestations of tribalism such as war.

    The upcoming educational paradigm shift will have to dispose of the disastrous mentality of “an eye for an eye”. Generalized empathy will lead to generalized forgiveness, which in turn will ease the psychological burden of our bloody history. I believe there is only a matter of time before this happens because I believe in the evolution of our collective intelligence. Given the weapons we wield and the upcoming technological advances, generalized empathy is our insurance policy for the future.


    This article bridges The “Art of Peace” Trilogy^ with The “Science of Peace” Trilogy (currently only Part 1 was published: The Survival Instinct and the Rules of the Human Game^).


    “An eye for an eye will only make this world go blind
    Another lie for a lie, we’ll be wiping out mankind”

    [ax_meta fbimgurl=’’ lnimgurl=’’ fbimgw=’1170′ fbimgh=’350′ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’Corporations, Corrupt Governments, Militaries and Lots of Empathy’ desc=’One of the keys of the next evolutionary step is generalized empathy.’]

  • Vitalic – Poney

    Vitalic – Poney

    Follow the gentle wavy sound bridge right into the heart of this disco cathedral. The relentless pounding will try to nail the sailing melody into the ground, but the sound beast still ends up soaring higher and higher. Will it eventually escape? It’s up to the listener to decide.

    Oh, and make sure you check the YouTube version. The song’s video is awesome!

    YouTube (decent quality):^

    For Spotify Users (high quality):^

    For Deezer Users (high quality):^

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’Vitalic – Poney’ desc=’Follow the gentle wavy sound bridge right into the heart of this disco cathedral.’]

  • The Rise of the RoboJournalist

    The Rise of the RoboJournalist

    The quality of online journalism has been dropping like a stone during the past decade. The main reason is websites trying to cut corners as a way to survive in a publishing landscape completely transformed by the Internet. Websites have lowered their standards regarding whom can write for them. This leads to such sad examples^ where armies of (mostly) amateur exploited writers generate a humongous amount of content, spamming the web and suffocating quality writing.

    An even more worrying development is the so-called “rise of the robo-journalist”. The following article reveals how automated writing is on the rise. The quality of these machine-authored creations might increase, but will continue to lack soul (at least until we develop true AI^). Even more importantly, the low-quality articles spam will explode in quantity:^

    I will speak for myself and admit that sadly I do not contribute financially to any online publication. Even though I consider my contributions here as sufficient payment, I would still like to somehow contribute to the well-being of those online publications that I respect. But with every single one of these publications asking for monthly fees and my need to have at least fifteen different content sources, the expense becomes simply too large. However, I think there’s a way to fix that.

    I believe we need a service similar to Audible, Spotify or Netflix, but for online publications. I’m sure very many people thought about the very same thing, but the timing when an idea reaches the market is critical. Is the market ready? Will the idea propagate explosively or will it fizzle and die out?

    Later Edit: Apparently something does exist, and it’s called Blendle. Check^ although it is currently still in Beta.

    I’ll throw a spark out there. In order to see if this is the right time for such a service to exist, I have initiated a KickStarter campaign^ for creating a system that will provide online publishers with a share of what subscribers pay. The campaign should be seen as an opportunity assessment (part market analysis and part thought experiment).

    In short, the system I envision is intended to work both like an “all you can eat” (a la Spotify & Netflix but with a tiered approach) and like a digital newsstand (for example like Valve’s game-related store, Steam). Compared to other similar services, the system will give a greater share back to authors because it will not be hosting any content by itself but simply act as a gateway back to the publication’s own website (which translates in reduced maintenance costs).

    Codexia! Goodbye annoying ads, hello premium subscriptions!




    Fun fact: the idea for Codexia came to me while writing this article. There was no campaign yet when I finished typing everything you just read. But as a software engineer and a product owner, I know the importance of sharing ideas with the possible market before doing anything concrete. It’s what opportunity assessments are for.

    I knew this won’t be a huge commitment to begin with because I already planned to work in very small iterations. The start will be a micro-campaign draft that will perhaps improve during the coming weeks and maybe months before even daring to think about publicizing it.

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’The Rise of the RoboJournalist’ desc=’The quality of online journalism has been dropping like a stone during the past decade.’]

  • Ghostpoet – X Marks The Spot

    Ghostpoet – X Marks The Spot

    Duets are a weakness of mine and I’m sure I’m not alone. It’s beautiful when singers can make a melody stand out like this. It’s even more beautiful when that melody also gives them a solid foundation to build on. And that’s exactly what happens here, ‘cause otherwise the story wouldn’t be told.

    The contrast between Ghostpoet’s disengaged act and Nadine Shah’s tempting whispers is in perfect balance. Through it all, we’re accompanied by clever songwriting. Topping it off, we have a video that fits quite well with the song. It’s not often when a treat like this shows up on my radar.

    “Used to think you were true
    But I was washed up, confused
    Grasping, gasping, no room for hope
    Nowadays, path seems clear
    But no I won’t turn around and celebrate
    You always seem here”

    You can listen to the song for free, in good quality, on BandCamp, which is one of the best websites when it comes to supporting artists. You can also purchase the song (or album) from this same location.^

    YouTube (decent quality):^

    For Spotify Users (high quality):^

    For Deezer Users (high quality):^

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’Ghostpoet – X Marks The Spot’ desc=’The contrast between Ghostpoet's disengaged act and Nadine Shah's tempting whispers is in perfect balance. Through it all, we're accompanied by clever songwriting.’]