Weinstein’s disgusting behavior^ towards women triggered the famous #MeToo^ social media campaign. It’s all history now. There are some very good articles^ out there about Weinstein and other libidinous rich men^. There’s also the shocking leaked audio of the predator in action^.
In this eye-opening timeline^, we are shown how much things have changed because of the scandal that has rocked Hollywood, the world’s #1 exporter of corrupt cultural values. Thanks to #MeToo, the protest went global. I feel like women’s rights have made an important step forward since then.
But from all the articles I read, I took a particular liking to Salma Hayek’s story about the movie “Frida”, produced by Weinstein. This vulnerable, heart-felt story made me empathize with the victims more than anything else I read or heard on the topic:
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