Month: October 2018

  • The Prodigy – Narayan

    The Prodigy – Narayan

    With its stellar opening and hypnotic buildup spanning more than a minute, Narayan makes a statement: this song will endure. And it has. 20 years later, this massive creation hasn’t lost any bit of its originality.

    It’s a lengthy tune, to be sure, but there are several movements at play that will keep the listener entertained throughout. This song is a must for any respectable music collection and, in fact, a distinguished artifact of human musical history.

    Om Namo Narayana!

    “If you believe the western sun is falling down on everyone
    If you’re breaking free and the morning’s come
    If you would know your time has come
    If you believe the western sun is falling down on everyone
    If you’re feeling firm, then I’ll travel on
    If you feel it burn, your time has come

    And I feel it
    You feel another energy and I feel a power growing

    Om Namo Narayana
    Om Namo Narayana

    I feel it
    I feel it
    You feel another energy…”

    YouTube (decent quality):^

    For Spotify Users (high quality):^

    For Deezer Users (high quality):^

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’The Prodigy – Narayan’ desc=’With its stellar opening and hypnotic buildup spanning more than a minute, Narayan makes a statement: this song will endure.’]

  • Uranus Smells Like Rotten Eggs

    Uranus Smells Like Rotten Eggs

    Recently, scientists have come up with some interesting conclusions about the gas giant’s atmosphere. Thanks to infrared observations, they managed to detect a certain gas that is quite likely to be present towards the top of Uranus’ cloud cover. Hydrogen sulfide is what gives rotten eggs their charming smell:^

    I always thought Uranus is a beautiful name for a planet. But then my English improved and, at one point, the punchline hit me. Saying “Uranus” was never the same again. I still think it’s a beautiful name. I mean, the human body is beautiful, isn’t it? In English, it’s a beautiful funny name for a planet, so that makes it even better. Still, it makes it really difficult to say that I come from Uranus. Journalists across the web raced in coming up with the most memorable way to report the analytical news:^^

    In closing, enjoy this short, brilliant clip from Futurama:^

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’Uranus Smells Like Rotten Eggs’ desc=’Recently, scientists have come up with some interesting conclusions about the gas giant's atmosphere.’]

  • Puscifer – Green Valley

    Puscifer – Green Valley

    This Journey song will caress with its soft chords and dreamy duet, but beware, the rite of passage is just in its infancy. Words of wisdom assist the listener as the orchestration builds up to ritualistic heights. A rock song that courageously breaks all sorts of new ground.

    “Hello stranger
    Can you tell us where you’ve been?
    More importantly
    How ever did you come to be here?
    Though a stranger
    You can rest here for a while
    But save your energy
    Your journey here is far from over
    Come the sunrise
    We’ll descend through Judgement Valley
    And weigh your worth before her majesty, the Verde River

    No direction but to follow what you know
    No direction but a faith in her decision
    No direction but to never fight her flow
    No direction but to trust the final destination
    You’re a stranger ’til she whispers you can stay
    You’re a stranger ’til she whispers that your journey’s over

    YouTube (decent quality):^

    For Spotify Users (high quality):^

    For Deezer Users (high quality):^

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’Puscifer – Green Valley’ desc=’Words of wisdom assist the listener as the orchestration builds up to ritualistic heights.’]

  • My Wife Became a Mother in Sweden – Part 4 – Hotel

    My Wife Became a Mother in Sweden – Part 4 – Hotel

    This belongs to a series of 5 articles dealing with child birth and the medical system in Sweden – from both a man’s perspective but also from a woman’s perspective, thanks to direct input from my wife. The reasons for writing the series are presented on the start/summary page^ where all 5 articles are linked.

    It took about 30 minutes for Rune to stop screaming just after being born. We started to get a bit worried, but we knew that he had also probably been awake throughout the 11-hour birth. He had been instinctually working together with his mother while in the same time wondering what’s going on. For a 9-month old, that’s a tough day, so no wonder he was a bit grumpy. Plus, breathing isn’t exactly something he was used to either.

    Crina had lost more blood than is usual during the birth. This had me rather concerned for a while, but the midwives assured us that she will be fine. After the monumental effort she had been through, I was surprised to see her so alert, especially as I was slowly falling apart.

    Never in my life had I abandoned myself in such a way. I hadn’t eaten since the day before, and it was almost 23:00. I lived through the birth with air and water alone. Now that the adrenaline was wearing off, I was beginning to realize just how starved I was. Luckily, the Swedes had something special in store for us…

    The fabulous post-birth celebratory snack! We had heard of this tradition. We had been told by multiple people that knew how it is to give birth in Sweden that it’s going to be among the best foods we would ever eat. But first, it was time to go to our room at the baby hotel.

    The baby hotel is one of the most kick-ass things about giving birth in certain countries, including Sweden. This was the only thing we actually had to pay for so far, but it was at an amazing price for the value. We stayed there for 3 nights. The stay included two main meals per day, a breakfast, snacks and soft drinks. There was a good selection of courses, most of them microwaveable, available 24-7. All I had to do was to go to the fridge, pick whatever, whenever, warm it up and eat it in the kitchen or, take it in the room to serve the wife who was busy with the breastfeeding.

    But here’s the real kicker: 24-7 support from midwives at the push of a button! Yeah, that’s right. There was a red button next to the bed. Minutes after pressing it, round the clock, a midwife would come and help us and answer any questions. So, paying roughly 180 Euros, grand total, for all of us for 3 days is arguably one of the best deals in the Universe.

    We arrived in our room at roughly 23:30. It had its own bathroom, two side-by-side beds, a small bed-on-wheels for Rune and a baby nest, a table and two chairs. On the table, we had a “baby start pack”, consisting of diapers, some cremes and a couple of other baby-related products.

    Important: first-time parents can find a baby hotel to be of great help. Even if it is expensive, getting a good start especially when it comes to breastfeeding can make all the difference during the coming days and weeks. If such a thing isn’t available in your country, perhaps other similar services are (for example midwives that come to your home, or health centers where you can go with first-time parent questions).

    A bit before midnight, shortly after we had entered our room, a nurse came with the most wanted snack on Earth. It was more than I expected. On the platter were four slices of bread with cheese and ham, some vegetables, two glasses of sweet, bubbly cider and a little stick with a small paper Swedish flag (awwwww!). This was almost a dinner.

    We ravaged the plate, trying to remind ourselves to also enjoy the sublime taste of the food. It really was very good, but I have to confess that us being famished probably contributed to the fact that, to this day, we still consider that simple midnight dinner to be among the best meals we’ve ever had.

    We found this wonderful tradition to be cute, considerate and respectful towards parents. This is a country that celebrates its families more than I could have imagined. Even though it wasn’t me who gave birth and went through a titanic effort, I felt like a hero that’s being offered the royal banquet.

    A few practical matters followed. Two midwives came and politely asked us if they can weigh Rune. Pay attention: this was roughly 3 hours after our boy had been born and, if we wanted, we were allowed to wait with the procedure until later. We looked at Rune. He seemed to be sleeping soundly, so we agreed weigh him now. They brought the scale in the room and that’s how we found out that Crina had been tucking a 4 kilos baby in her little belly. With the weighing done, the midwives quickly left us well enough alone.

    Compare this to countries where they take the baby away from the mother shortly after birth and slam the poor creature in a glass container. I find those procedures to be utterly barbaric. I try not to make strong statements on this site, but I cannot contain my disapproval towards those who are ignorant enough to think that treating a baby that way is even remotely humane!

    Whatever excuses they have, it’s the 21st century and Sweden, a country with record-low infant mortality, should be living proof that the “stick the baby in a jar” method has absolutely no medical benefit. Although perhaps it does have some economic benefit for drug companies and who-knows else, since it gives the poor kid his or her first major trauma. Oh, and for those claiming that light therapy requires the baby to be isolated in an aquarium away from the parents, guess what: in Sweden they bring the light treatment to the family’s room. Yes, technology can be amazing if used right.

    Important: if the birth would have taken place at home, nobody would take the baby away from the parents. As a fragile being taking the first breaths, the warmth, smell and comfort of a parent’s skin is of critical importance. As Rune slept on Crina’s breast, he could hear her heartbeat, the same heartbeat that he had heard for several months already. He was no longer inside her but even so, he knew that his mother was nearby. Even if as adults we cannot remember those moments, the brain’s development is based on all the feelings that it experiences. Even if a baby is not able to understand what’s going on in the surrounding world, it is most definitely able to feel fear or comfort and these leave a lasting imprint on the very foundation of the baby’s neural patterns.

    It was a magical first night. Despite the midwives’ advice to sleep, Crina could not, which isn’t uncommon for mothers. I managed to grab a few hours here and there, but would often wake and help Crina with whatever she needed: water, questions, changing Rune’s first couple of diapers (we had some help with this from the midwives, and they also showed us a good position for washing his behind, above the sink).

    And speaking of washing – they don’t recommend bathing babies until they’re at least one week old. There are multiple important reasons^ for this, such as the protective “wax” the infant is born with. Another reason is the “stump” of the umbilical cord. In Sweden they allow it to fall by its own accord, and getting water in that area isn’t indicated during the first few days.

    Rune had made an attempt to breastfeed during the first few hours of life, which is one of the most important reasons why over here they do not take the baby away from the parents (ever). Those first reflexes of the infant help the mother trigger lactation. After that, he slept for about 24 hours.

    The next day we had a good breakfast and tried to get some sleep back. We also spent some time talking or chatting with family, close friends and a few other people about the birth. I made sure to keep Crina well fed and hydrated, as we were told this is very important for her milk production.

    During the second night, Rune started to wake up and breastfeed. We called the midwives several times, just to make sure he’s always latching correctly. We received advice from several different women, from different shifts. This gave both of us a wide variety of methods to make sure that Rune feeds correctly. For example, they taught us how to remove him from the nipple if he doesn’t take it correctly (by inserting our little finger next to the nipple). I helped as much as I could in positioning him and making sure Crina can lie or sit comfortably.

    Important: a baby that doesn’t learn to latch properly from the first days can mean a great deal of trouble later on. For example, the baby may start biting, a behavior that may take a while to change and can lead to sore nipples. Or, lactation might be affected. Making sure that breastfeeding works well should be treated almost as seriously as the preparations for birth, because breastfeeding is the most natural and healthy way a baby can eat.

    Rune went through his first medical test during our second day at the baby hotel. They checked if he has jaundice. There was a little bit, but nothing serious, so he needed no light therapy. We ate and we relished in the spectacle of him sleeping “quietly” – babies often make weird (read: funny) sounds after birth, until their respiratory system clears up. He started to feed every now and then, increasing in intensity and duration.

    During the third night, we got a bit worried regarding Crina’s lactation. After his solid, long sleep, Rune entered his “feeding frenzy days”, something that we had read about in the brief but excellent “new parent brochure” that we found in the “baby start pack”. He was feeding almost non-stop, sometimes exhibiting signs of frustration with the breast.

    However, the midwives assured us that even though he might not get much from the breast during the first few days, Rune is well-equipped to survive with less milk than Crina could currently provide. This was information that was already known to us. Crina had to endure through his feeding frenzy, because Rune’s frustration is what would help in stimulating lactation. The more time he spent at the breast, the sooner and more the lactation would increase.

    Important: in normal conditions (not talking about mothers who can’t breastfeed due to various medical reasons), babies do not need artificial supplements (aka formula) in addition to the mother’s milk. The infant can drop as much as 10% in weight (Rune dropped 7%) without any problems whatsoever. Moreover, introducing supplements increases the risk for digestion problems (colic) and other issues. There’s an even worse situation: relying solely on supplements deprives babies of natural, healthy nutrients. And, according to this^ amazing discovery^, the child is capable of requesting antibodies from the mother through saliva. The mechanism makes total sense: a certain amount of saliva is reabsorbed by the breast, and this saliva contains instructions for the mother’s body. The mother then produces the required antibodies and administers them to the child during the next breastfeeding. Isn’t our body amazing? Good luck doing this with formula.

    Rune’s desire to eat was almost comical. Sometimes, he would “attack” the breast. He would squirm himself into the breast while whining a little bit. He didn’t need to cry though. We were there at all times and we co-slept for the entire duration. We didn’t even use the baby nest after the first night because he wanted to almost constantly be at Crina’s breast. Our worries transformed into soaring satisfaction when, after one period of feeding, we saw a drop of milk hanging from his lower lip.

    Throughout our 3-day stay at the baby hotel, they came two or three more times to perform various tests. I wasn’t exactly thrilled by this, but I guess it’s good to know if your baby has a problem earlier rather than later. The tests didn’t seem to disturb him too much. They checked heart, lungs, eyes, head, testicles, feet and skin (a little jaundice, but again, nothing that wouldn’t go away in a week or two, they thought).

    A psychologist also visited us. She wanted to check how Crina is feeling after the birth and to warn about the impending post-trip (oxytocin) crash called “the baby blues”. The psychologist gave us a bit of preventive couple counselling regarding the upcoming few “might be difficult” days and weeks. Post-partum depression^ is not taken lightly in Sweden.

    Then, it was time to go home. As we were heading for the car, a unique, never-felt-before emotion came over us. A mix of joy, hope, relief and determination. It moved us towards the future, bringing tears in Crina’s eyes.

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’My Wife Became a Mother in Sweden – Part 4 – Hotel’ desc=’The word "Go" in the title is not coincidental. Much earlier than expected, an AI program managed to defeat a human Go champion.’]

  • MOTSA – The Moment (feat. Raie)

    MOTSA – The Moment (feat. Raie)

    Adventurous and evocative, tied to the ground with a strong bass line, this is one highly original body-mover. Rhythms transform, crescendos abound, the story unfolds and before the last vibration dies out there’s already an insatiable desire to have some more. So just hit play again!

    “And then he came.
    With one arm and four eyes,
    Teeth that bit through metal like sugar.
    I froze.
    Avoided his gaze
    And listened intensely to the weight of each footstep
    A star fluctuating in sound from five billion light years away
    He is here.”

    YouTube (decent quality):^

    For Spotify Users (high quality):^

    For Deezer Users (high quality):^

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’MOTSA – The Moment (feat. Raie)’ desc=’Adventurous and evocative, tied to the ground with a strong bass line, this is one highly original body-mover.’]

  • How Tech Companies Ruin (Urban) Societies

    How Tech Companies Ruin (Urban) Societies

    In general, it’s good for a country to have large, powerful companies that employ a lot of people and pay them very well (more taxes). However, the resulting income inequality causes some serious trouble in communities hosting or close to high-pay hotspots.

    One of the saddest examples is San Francisco, where property prices have skyrocketed during the past decade, mostly due to an influx of well-payed employees from corporations such as Google, Apple and Facebook as well as a host of tech startups and highly profitable medium-sized companies.

    Certain individuals fed up with the trend have taken matters into their own hands. They proceeded to smash the windows of shuttle buses belonging to large corporations, while in transit transporting employees to work:^

    It’s a pity that the employees of these companies are the ones enduring social stigma^ for something that is not (directly) of their own making. In war, one usually can’t blame the soldiers for what their commanding officer has ordered them to do, if certain conventions aren’t broken. So perhaps some of the affected communities need to establish some conventions?

    Fixing this situation is totally within the responsibility of the town administration, which can set certain rules for property prices. There are many other cities suffering from the Ridiculous Property Prices syndrome. I live in one of them. Despite having been able to afford a property here (thanks to being lucky enough to work in the “right” industry for these past couple of decades), I would vote for a “Convention for Fair Living”.

    What would such a convention consist of? Hard to say precisely, but I would definitely consider an obligation for a community to get a higher percentage of the taxes gathered by the government from certain wealthy entities. The community would then have funds to build additional housing and a fast transportation network to ensure quick access to the city center even for those living further off. The newly-rich in congested cities could also have to pay higher taxes. Perhaps this would make a community less attractive to certain companies, but maybe this is exactly the sort of self-balancing that would cause and ensure fair prices for properties.

    When it comes to areas where there are a lot of high-paying jobs, the employers could subsidize the construction of campuses or entire new towns. These would be located further away from large, already congested communities. This will keep the market prices fair and provide employees with good housing. As long as quick access to the nearest large cities is provided, this should keep things in balance. Furthermore, locals that have been living in an area for many years could be supported in purchasing a decent property through various means (lower prices, priority in a queue system). I’m sure smart solutions can be found if there is the will to do so. Until the manifestation of such will is obvious to the people, despair will continue to consume them and lead to more social conflict and tragic actions.

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’How Tech Companies Ruin (Urban) Societies’ desc=’Income inequality causes some serious trouble in communities hosting or close to high-pay hotspots.’]

  • Madrugada – Quite Emotional

    Madrugada – Quite Emotional

    Dim the lights, light a candle, embrace, sway. True to its namesake, this atmospheric, moody and melancholy-inducing song features one of the warmest male vocal performances I’ve ever heard. Soothing guitars and gentle keyboards provide the ideal background while the sparingly-used percussion anchors the song to perfection.

    There’s a saying that goes like this: while listening to this song for the first time, if you think of good memories, it will always bring you back to those beautiful moments when you listen to it again.

    “We’re slow raised by the break of day
    You are now entirely mine again
    Still I hold you in my arms
    There is not much to talk about anyway

    Quite emotional now
    Drive by noise and straight to the bone, for you
    Quite emotional now, not making sense
    So I come here in your arms

    You keep on whispering that you won’t stop
    I take it back, babe
    Everything that I have said
    And I hold you in my arms
    There’s no better place for you anyway”

    YouTube (decent quality):^

    For Spotify Users (high quality):^

    For Deezer Users (high quality):^

    This Weekly Song entry has been brought from the FaceBook archive of Weekly Song^. This exploration was originally started through a FaceBook page, about 13 months prior to launching Mentatul. Slowly but surely, the entire FaceBook archive will be brought here.

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’Madrugada – Quite Emotional’ desc=’True to its namesake, this atmospheric, moody and melancholy-inducing song features one of the warmest male vocal performances I've ever heard.’]

  • The Best of George Carlin

    The Best of George Carlin

    George Carlin^ is, hands down, my all-time favorite stand-up comedian. I am madly in love with the way his dark humor mercilessly punishes certain absurd traits of human civilization. Below, you can find some of my favorite moments from his illustrious career:^^^^^

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’The Best of George Carlin’ desc=’I am madly in love with the way his dark humor mercilessly punishes certain absurd traits of human civilization.’]

  • Bluetech – To Mend (feat. Lynx & Janover)

    Bluetech – To Mend (feat. Lynx & Janover)

    There are many kinds of Healing Songs. Powerful or unstoppable, divine or mystic, calming or embracing, tender or humble. There are Healing Songs for all sorts of hurts.

    This vulnerable gem is here to seed the hope. All around us, there are unseen gifts that time allows us to witness in this life. This is one of them. When words fail, just lie down, open up and let yourself be soothed.

    “They spend too many moons
    Away from their true homes
    Put away in corners their supposed to call their own
    But the crow still sings, at the break of day
    No matter what the sun brings
    They’ll still sing their songs and say
    Hope it finds us crawling in the dust
    Pleading mercy as you plunge right into trust
    See you tremble up to stand
    Centuries brought us here so we can mend”

    You can listen to the melody for free, in good quality, on BandCamp, which is one of the best websites when it comes to supporting artists. You can also purchase the song (or album) from this same location. And in case you’re wondering, yes, I did purchase Bluetech’s album :).^

    YouTube (decent quality):^

    For Spotify Users (high quality):^

    For Deezer Users (high quality):^

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’Bluetech – To Mend (feat. Lynx & Janover)’ desc=’When words fail, just lie down, open up and let yourself be soothed.’]

  • Interesting NASA Experiments

    Interesting NASA Experiments

    There’s some pretty interesting human activity going on in outer space during this period. For example, NASA recently launched InSight^, yet another probe heading for Mars (yes, I do believe we’ve spending a bit too much on Mars). Along with that, they also launched two cubesats^, the world’s first interplanetary such (cheaper) satellites^. “MarCO-A and MarCO-B are demonstrating a number of cubesat technologies during their nearly 7-month cruise to Mars, including a folding high-gain antenna and a cold-gas propulsion system.”

    Then there’s this highly “visual” mission that saw a NASA rocket spew color clouds in the atmosphere, as part of a study on the magnetic field. “The vapor tracers that are released are made of barium, lithium, and trimethylaluminum, the same ingredients you might find in fireworks”:^

    And last but not least, here are some findings about how spaceflight has caused changes in the gene expression of an astronaut twin. In order to make the analysis possible, NASA kept one brother on Earth and the another spent one year on the International Space Station:^

    Say what you will about the USA, but their space program still kicks some major ass.

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’Interesting NASA Experiments’ desc=’There's some pretty interesting human activity going on in outer space during this period.’]