Tag: china

  • Behind China’s Success

    Behind China’s Success

    Like pretty much everybody that is up to date with current events, I’ve been following China’s rise as a high-tech superpower with great interest. The article below touches on some very important points concerning innovation while showing some interesting statistics about one of China’s innovation hubs, Shenzhen:


    But there’s more than patent applications that will power China’s success. The country’s social system is more competitive than many of its Western adversaries. Many Westerners (including me) would have ethical qualms in toying with genetically engineered human embryos. I’m quite sure that China is willing to go further and faster with such experiments. It is quite possible that this is an even greater game-changer than our so-called efforts into artificial “intelligence”^ (for a reality check regarding the marketing trick sold as “intelligence”, check the linked article).

    China has lots of natural resources (land, minerals) and it knows how to use them (unfortunately it also generally has less moral qualms about damaging the ecosystem compared to other countries). Combine all this with a government which (like it or not) has been more constant than many of the competing superpowers and you get the textbook definition of “game-changer”. The following years will no doubt be very interesting (and hopefully we’ll see some good decisions being taken going forwards).

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’http://mentatul.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/02390-ChinasRiseTech-Thumb.jpg’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’Behind China's Success’ desc=’About China's rise as a high-tech superpower.’]

  • China Builds World’s Largest Radio Telescope

    China Builds World’s Largest Radio Telescope

    Guess who was in the science & technology news lately? Yes, it’s China again. Back in September they were putting the finishing touches towards finalizing the construction of a mammoth radio telescope that has easily become the world’s largest single-dish such device:


    It sure seems like China is on a roll lately. This is the fourth technology-related article I write about the country in the past few months. And I’m not even trying. Now let’s see what the Chinese will spy with their little dish.

    References & further reading:

    The Elevated Bus That Rides above the Traffic^

    China Invests in Quantum Cryptography and Not a Moment Too Late^

    China’s Awesome Robotics Challenge^

     [ax_meta lnimgurl=’http://mentatul.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/01184-ChinaRadiotelescope-Thumb.jpg’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’China Builds World’s Largest Radio Telescope’ desc=’The country finalized the construction of a mammoth radio telescope that easily became the world's largest single-dish such device.’]

  • China’s Awesome Robotics Challenge

    China’s Awesome Robotics Challenge

    It’s called RoboMasters and it’s more important than it may seem. At first sight it could be classified as a nerdy game show. It is much, much more than that. The article below (and the video it contains) will beautifully demonstrate:


    Robotics company DJI has been very smart in how it organized the game show. It’s a beautiful way to attract talent and reward the dedication of China’s students. I feel that this can become a long term commitment, a championship, and could turn out as one of the world’s leading benchmarks in robotics.

    This has seriously impressed me. I’m seeing a fascinating amount of innovation and initiative arising from China in the past few years. The country is on the rise in a deeper, more meaningful way than in the “manufacturing powerhouse” decades.

    My only worry regarding creating a thinking robot that can defend its base against all attackers is… well… think about it. Despite the scary scenarios that the thought may invite, in fact, I don’t believe artificial intelligence will arise as soon as others think. However, I do think that in a couple of decades it will become increasingly difficult to differentiate between a human and a robot when it comes to certain disciplines. Combat is one of these disciplines. You don’t want this sort of AI in the hands of terrorists.

    We’re strolling into uncertain territory. I wish that AI researchers will be careful with all their programming in the coming decades. I wish they will keep ethics in mind and be aware that AI shouldn’t be thought of as some sort of servant, but as a partner. The desire to control and dominate will lead to nothing good.

    For now, we could say it’s mostly advanced remote controlled machines fighting in the RoboMasters arena. But sooner or later we might have something that is not that much different from ourselves there, with all the ethical implications this will entail.

    Related: more robotic innovation from Asia: here’s Japan’s sweating robot^.

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’http://mentatul.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/01139-RoboMastersChina-Thumb.jpg’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’China's Awesome Robotics Challenge’ desc=’It's called RoboMasters and it's more important than it may seem. It is much more than a game show.’]

  • Amid Souring Relations, Russia Pulls out of Nuclear Treaty

    Amid Souring Relations, Russia Pulls out of Nuclear Treaty

    During the past few weeks and months, there have been some worrying rumblings among the world’s superpowers. We’ve witnessed a serious degradation of relations between Russia and the USA, while China is slowly but surely pursuing its own agenda.

    Part of a process of rebalancing itself in the planetary power-play, Russia has recently been involved in military exercises^ together with China. This sends a clear message that the Eurasian superpowers are waking up to the fact that they share more points in common than just the massive landmass they occupy. These military drills were held in the contested waters of the South China Sea. There, the USA has been involved in arbitration between other claimant nation-states. But the balance is quickly shifting^, even as Philippines’ human rights violator^ and political wildcard Rodrigo Duterte cares little about the meddling of far-away USA^ in regional matters.

    Last week, Vladimir Putin and Turkey’s Tayyip Erdogan held a joint press conference announcing a revival in economic collaboration^. Turkey has the second largest army in NATO. Rarely have I seen so much rebalancing of powers in the space of just a few months.

    From its side, the USA is launching all sorts of diplomatic efforts in an attempt to contain Russia. The first step was to halt collaboration on Syria^ (as marginal and ineffective as it was). Next, the US together with its close allies^ threatened to drag Russia to an international court for war crimes^ (as if Americans hadn’t blown up hospitals and ruined enough countries in the past).

    What should worry us most though, is the stench of atomic war that started to make itself felt. A few weeks ago Russia pulled out of an important agreement aimed at lowering the nuclear weapons stockpile of the two superpowers:


    It may be tempting to condemn Russia as a warmonger, but actually, at least one of its motivations for quitting the agreement is quite reasonable. The USA hasn’t kept its end of the bargain. Instead of totally disposing of its plutonium by using it in power plants, the US is considering stashing it at a nuclear waste disposal location. Granted, the Americans have helped Russia get rid of quite a bit of plutonium through the years. So, as always, the situation isn’t black or white but rather a gloomy shade of gray.

    This is not the first time^ in recent memory when Russia has brought its nuclear arsenal into the spotlight. However, it’s quite repugnant that they stooped so low as to allow TV anchors^ to spew crude nuclear propaganda into the minds of their viewers; that’s the sort of antics one would expect from North Korea. Sadly, I feel like Russia might have been pushed in this direction by what it perceives as continued advances into its sphere of influence by NATO^.

    Here’s another enlightening synthesis regarding Russian-American relations:


    All in all, what’s happening is quite sad. You’d expect more from the 21st century than superpowers squabbling over petty differences while covertly (or not) fueling the destruction of Syria and many other developing countries (Libya, Iraq, Yemen, Afghanistan and the list can go on). Insatiable greed is a sign that a species hasn’t yet made peace with the barbaric traits of its survival instinct.

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’http://mentatul.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/01327-AmericaRussiaChinaSyriaWorldPeace-Thumb.jpg’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’Amid Souring Relations, Russia Pulls out of Nuclear Treaty’ desc=’During the past few weeks and months, there have been some worrying rumblings among the world’s superpowers.’]

  • China Invests in Quantum Cryptography and Not a Moment Too Late

    China Invests in Quantum Cryptography and Not a Moment Too Late

    In the past years, a steady stream of revelations has shown the extent at which governments spy on us. This shocked nobody in the know. We’ve suspected it all along. When it comes to nation-states, however, it’s a different story. Countries don’t like it when other nations are snooping around in their backyard. Enter quantum cryptography^.

    Edward Snowden along with WikiLeaks and other organizations have exposed parts of America’s cyber-espionage program. Now, we finally see some of the rewards coming from those revelations. China is moving towards ensuring secure and private communications for itself and, I suspect in the near future, for any entity that pays a hefty fee. Large corporations will definitely be interested in having access to a spy-proof communications network:


    Well played China, well played!

    Update 2016-09-21: important new developments in quantum teleportation will undoubtedly pave the way for secure communication: http://phys.org/news/2016-09-quantum-internet-teleport-particle-kilometres.html^

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’http://mentatul.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/01030-ChinaQuantumSatellite-Thumb.jpg’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’China Invests in Quantum Cryptography and Not a Moment Too Late’ desc=’China is moving towards ensuring secure and private communications for itself and, I suspect in the near future, for any entity that pays a hefty fee.’]

  • The Elevated Bus That Rides above the Traffic

    The Elevated Bus That Rides above the Traffic

    With ever-undented ambition, China rediscovers its innovative mojo. In the past decade, we’ve seen quite a few impressive Chinese projects. It doesn’t matter if this bus will not see wide-spread use, it still stands (ahem, rolls) as a testament that China Has Talent.



    Still, I’d rather see China’s Talent invested in ways that can reduce motor traffic rather than work around the problem by throwing more metal (and fuel) at it. Beijing and other major cities around in the world would love to get rid of the smog epidemic.

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’http://mentatul.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/00982-ChinaBusAboveTraffic-Thumb.jpg’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’The Elevated Bus That Rides above the Traffic’ desc=’With ever-undented ambition, China rediscovers its innovative mojo. In the past decade, we've seen quite a few impressive Chinese projects.’]

  • Best War Buddies Australia & France

    Best War Buddies Australia & France

    Fans of the military industrial complex, rejoice. There is a new romance on the block. Australia and France are deepening their military relationship, under the auspices of a fat ship-building contract:


    Contemplating world peace, the Australian decision-makers thought that a dozen submarines are totally worth $50 billion of their people’s work. On the other side of the world, the failing French economy is in dire need of a stimulus. After relations soured between NATO and Russia, France had to cancel a profitable warships-building contract, although the Russians will probably be getting the ships anyway by using Egypt^ as a proxy.

    Fifty billion dollars; it’s hard not to wonder what a different type of government could have done with this amount of money. Such an investment would be a game changer in any vital government branch such as education, healthcare, social services or research.

    For example, a country could offer a salary of $4000 per month, for ten years to a hundred thousand people. In other words, a country could allow a hundred thousand entrepreneurs experiment with ideas for ten years. I think that after a decade, the products and technologies coming from even a tiny fraction of those entrepreneurs would help Australia more than a dozen chunks of metal thrown in the ocean to pollute it.

    Unfortunately for its citizens (and fortunately for the French ones), Australia decided that it’s jolly time to protect its oceans from the legion of enemy ships swarming in it and around its shores. Except wait, the only serious threat to man around Australia are sharks. This makes me wonder what exactly is at play here. Is NATO cultivating an ally that might one day assist in the power struggle with a resurgent China?

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’http://mentatul.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/00556-FranceAustraliaWarBuddies-Thumb.jpg’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’Best War Buddies Australia & France’ desc=’Fans of the military industrial complex, rejoice. There is a new romance on the block.’]