Month: March 2016

  • Ready or Not, Here Comes Virtual Reality!

    Ready or Not, Here Comes Virtual Reality!

    Finally, the first Virtual Reality HMD (Head Mounted Display) – the Oculus Rift – has reached retail availability. The first reviews have started pouring in – here’s a pretty good one from The Verge^. Things are pretty much as I expected, with the majority of reviews being positive and the rest being rather neutral. So far I haven’t read anything seriously bad and although this is very encouraging, it is not a surprise given the fact that all companies involved have been preparing for this launch for plenty of time.

    In the meantime, VR as a technology continues to promise growth in the most unexpected of areas. For example there are these guys who propose giving HMDs to roller coaster^ riders. Combining high quality computer graphics with a roller coaster experience is indeed something that I’d love to try one day.

    On the other hand, there are companies whose VR content is not exactly top notch. Take for example AltspaceVR. Even though their VR client now supports Samsung’s Gear^, the graphical quality is below what could be achieved even with the limitation of having to run on weaker, mobile graphical processors. AltspaceVR’s “games”^ are not much to look at either. I’m worried about half–baked products ruining the reception of VR. This is one of the most important technological revolutions of the past few decades and I believe a proper, polished launch is very important. Let’s not forget the debacle that was Google Glass.

    Luckily, there are plenty of companies that have amazing products lined up. The Oculus launched with some really good titles such as “Eve Valkyrie”, “Elite: Dangerous” and “Lucky’s Tale”. However, I believe the best is yet to come, especially when “No Man’s Sky”^ shows up, which, I believe, is the title that will truly make VR. I hope Oculus can have its controllers ready as soon as possible. And if not, there’s always the Vive^, which will also hit retail availability very soon.

    So, ready or not, VR is coming to town. I think that the companies that are at the forefront of this new technological revolution will have a lot to gain from their investment. I’m looking at you, FaceBook, Samsung, Valve, HTC and Microsoft. Plenty of big names are still missing in action, especially Google and Apple. Regarding Apple, they don’t even have decent hardware support for VR^, as recently pointed out by Oculus founder, Palmer Luckey. The coming twelve months will certainly be very, very interesting. Let’s watch and enjoy the show.

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’Ready or Not, Here Comes Virtual Reality!’ desc=’Finally, the first Virtual Reality HMD (Head Mounted Display) – the Oculus Rift – has reached retail availability. The first reviews have started pouring in.’]

  • The Intellectual Diet

    The Intellectual Diet

    Just like the body is what it eats, the mind is what it experiences. This is a truth with vast and grave implications when it comes to the types of entertainment we invest our time in. Entertainment is a highly efficient social programming tool because, when entertained, the mind is open and relaxed. While in this state, it is easier for toxic messages to escape our scrutiny and infiltrate our thoughts.

    A simple example about how entertainment has negatively affected our society is the impressive range of stereotypes it helped create. We need look no further than the objectification of both women and men. The silent enforcement of ideal body types starts as early as the first cartoons kids watch and continues throughout the adult life, slowly dripping into our minds from movies to magazine covers and commercials.

    Desensitize through violence

    Let’s start with a short thought experiment. Let’s imagine a person that has almost never seen other people getting hurt, shot or killed in movies, games or news. Now let’s say a military power decides to invade another country and the news suddenly broadcasts a scene of carnage. How would such a person react?

    I’m pretty sure that in most cases, outrage would be a likely reaction. Politicians would suddenly have a much harder time selling the wars that the weapon manufacturers so badly want to happen. It’s quite likely that we’d see a drop in violent crime as well. This is quite a simple conclusion based on the fact that the mind is shaped by what it experiences and what is obviously passing as “entertainment” these days.

    To be clear: I do not propose that we censor violent movies or games or that we don’t show the news as it is. As I grew up, I was exposed to plenty of violent entertainment and realities. I still play a few rather gory computer games. What I’m saying is that perhaps we need to take into consideration the quantities in which we absorb such imagery.

    I believe that one of the purposes of this seriously biased towards violence entertainment style we are subjected to is to desensitize us to murder. It’s also easy profits for whoever produces such intellectual drugs: the brain is easily hooked on this sort of stimulation, because it taps into the primal, savage survival instinct. Like any drug, it is needed in increased quantities as the mind develops tolerance for it. We start our children with gun toys and cartoon battles and as they grow up, they’re left craving for more of the same.

    Violence is present in all forms of art, but more recently, movies and video games have spread it more efficiently than ever. All this happens in a day and age when the race for survival is clearly not a matter of “dog eat dog” anymore. Given our vast resources and technology, it is not necessary that we massacre each other, or other beings for that matter.

    Creating fake ambitions

    Our will to survive is at the base of yet another important area of our behavior. This is probably even easier to tap into than the areas of our brain that are pleased by violent entertainment. You might have guessed it already: I’m referring to the desire to procreate. Sex is an excellent tool for selling products and creating fake ambitions (be thin, smell good, use certain brands to gain the approval of the opposite sex).

    Unfortunately, the content shown on TV or “official” channels on the Internet is often seen as a sort of authority, even when it comes to advertisement. This is completely counter-intuitive, since advertisers are anything but altruistic. Most advertised products don’t have anything to do with improving our health; quite the opposite, actually.

    Just a couple of decades ago we were advertising cancer. I’m quite sure most of the “beauty chemicals” advertised today are dangerous, although, hopefully, not quite as dangerous as the additives they’ve been stuffing our tobacco with.

    Of course, it all goes way beyond advertisement. A lot of the entertainment beamed at us can be considered cultural weaponry, which is used to make us adopt certain lifestyles. There are many reasons for this, ranging from something as simple as profits (making us buy various products) down to truly dangerous society-changing opinion building (such as shaping political preferences, ideological orientation or religious affiliation).

    The reason I use the word “weaponry” is because we are dealing here with actions that tamper with our minds, ultimately causing damage to our society. Perhaps the social standards haven’t advanced yet to the stage where we can own-up to the fact that we’re producing a lot of mind-corrupting junk, but this doesn’t mean it’s not time to start exposing it for what it is.


    The best solution I can imagine (and have started applying for myself) is adopting an intellectual diet. However, this must be voluntary. We can’t go about it by declaring “war on violence”. Censorship is not the way. Prohibition never worked and there isn’t any proof that it ever will. Humans’ desire to be free is too powerful.

    We should aim towards increasing awareness regarding toxic entertainment. Most people I approached regarding this subject have agreed that the vast majority of movies being shown in cinemas today are utter junk. For me, this is a sign that we are already aware of the problem. The only and most important other step necessary is taking action and rejecting the content that abuses and insults our intellect.

    Therefore, content creators should be encouraged to gradually improve their output and use it to educate the public. If we – as a society – decide that it is important to surround ourselves with positive art forms, I have little doubt that it is possible, within a couple of decades, to witness a pivotal change in our collective consciousness.

    This change should not be seen as a threat to the economy, but rather as an opportunity to explore new challenges. If anything, humans are inventive. As with any evolutionary changes, new opportunities for profit will present themselves. Yes, a change in the intellectual environment could prove fatal for some economic entities, but then again, we don’t live in the jungle anymore so I’m quite hopeful nobody will die of hunger because of this.

    [ax_meta fbimgurl=’’ lnimgurl=’’ fbimgw=’1170′ fbimgh=’350′ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’The Intellectual Diet’ desc=’Just like the body is what it eats, the mind is what it experiences. This is a truth with vast and grave implications when it comes to the types of entertainment we invest our time in.’]

  • Enigma – Return to Innocence

    Enigma – Return to Innocence

    Let’s go on a sweet, comforting and hopeful four minutes long journey. A lot can be said about the beautiful mix of musical styles here, but my purpose with the Weekly Song is to just seed the first thoughts and let the listeners judge the rest for themselves. For this melody, if I’d have to wrap my review in a single word, that word would be “harmony”.

    Few songs from the electronic music genre have reached the philosophical depths probed by Enigma’s lyrics. This is one of their strongest melodies. For me, it’s up there with the best of all time.

    This is also one of the few Weekly Songs that have been popular hits. However, when this tune topped music charts around Europe and the world, there was an unfortunate side-effect. Legal vultures attacked Michael Cretu for using samples from the Ami tribe in Taiwan. He initially wanted his identity to remain secret, in accordance with the name of his musical project. But this intention was ruined by yet another, earlier, even worse legal attack^. It’s sad when laws tamper with art projects. I’m quite sure these disputes could have been settled amicably.

    “Don’t care what people say
    Just follow your own way
    Don’t give up and use the chance
    To return to innocence

    That’s not the beginning of the end
    That’s the return to yourself
    The return to innocence”

    YouTube (decent quality):^

    For Spotify Users (high quality):^

    For Deezer Users (high quality):^

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’Enigma – Return to Innocence’ desc=’Let's go on a sweet, comforting and hopeful four minutes long journey. Few songs from the electronic music genre have reached the philosophical depths probed by Enigma's lyrics.’]

  • Not the Usual Sermon Against Terrorism

    Not the Usual Sermon Against Terrorism

    Of all the things I’ve learned throughout my life, I think nothing is more important than starting to have an understanding about the meaning of duality. For me, the very challenge of life is to reconcile the duality I observe with the oneness I strive for. Duality is not only about good and evil or about life and death. Duality is also about us and the others, and it is this aspect that I’d like to write a few words about.

    I think humans have a tendency to strive for perfection. In the same time, most humans know that they will never be perfect. It’s a correct conclusion, I believe, since only oneness can be perfect. As long as there is something missing from anything, neither side can be perfect. However, duality is only a temporary absence of perfection. And, as long as we are alive and playing our different roles, I believe we can learn from duality while waiting for perfection.

    Today, it is difficult to write about terrorism without touching on the subject of religion. But it is exactly religion that I do not wish to discuss on this website. Ever. This is because I believe that spirituality is a deeply personal experience. Words tend to sully it.

    So what can I say about terrorism without going into complex and endless diatribes on religion, politics or society? Not much, really. Just the simple truth that…

    It’s not easy knowing we’re imperfect. Smart, heinous people are aware of this and are harvesting the emotional pain caused by our discomfort. Through the use of psychological manipulation techniques, people are turned into stereotypes or, to use a more powerful word, drones. The terrorist drones are among the most difficult to understand, because they’ve been led to believe that they can prove their worth towards their Gods (and symbols of perfection) by tearing other people to pieces, by “imperfecting” them.

    If we’d have proper education and opportunity across the world, none of this would have come to pass. But we all know that, don’t we? And yet we sit in our comfortable bubbles, like the nice drones that we are. However, that may change at any point, especially if these obedient drones start turning into confident people. The best way to prevent this from happening is to cultivate fear and terror. And so, the great military alliances march on, playing with the money that should be invested in education, science and healthcare.

    And since this has been a Dissected News posting, here’s the two events that seeded my words.

    The terrorist attack in Pakistan:^

    The terrorist attacks in Belgium:^

    Seemingly unrelated, here’s how a traffic accident victim is being ignored somewhere in Asia:^

    While terrorism is one of the most acute symptoms of a failed society, this last video I linked shows the systemic problem. It’s one of innumerable examples that illustrate the worrying degradation of our society. As long as we continue our journey in this way, our path will remain a bloody one.

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’Not the Usual Sermon Against Terrorism’ desc=’Of all the things I’ve learned throughout my life, I think nothing is more important than starting to have an understanding about the meaning of duality.’]

  • Apollo 440 – Liquid Cool

    Apollo 440 – Liquid Cool

    Strap yourself in and get ready for a passionate sound adventure. Apollo 440 is back on the menu with their longest song ever. Honestly, nothing shorter than 12 minutes would work for this beautifully inventive melody.

    There are at least three major movements here, as Apollo 440 takes you on a journey of deep sound and intense, diverse vocals. As a bonus, this melody is also highly danceable.

    “He who lives these words
    Shall not taste death
    Becoming nothing, yeah, yeah
    Forever liquid cool…”

    YouTube (decent quality):^

    For Spotify Users (high quality):^

    For Deezer Users (high quality):^

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’Apollo 440 – Liquid Cool’ desc=’There are at least three major movements here, as Apollo 440 takes you on a journey of deep sound and intense, diverse vocals.’]

  • Dolphins Get High Too

    Dolphins Get High Too

    We’ve known for many years that several species of animals get drunk by eating fermented fruits. In 2013, biologists have made yet another surprising discovery. Groups of dolphins get high by chewing on puffer fish. After obtaining a sufficient amount of perception-altering neurotoxin from the creature, they pass it to another dolphin in the group.

    Here’s the story, more than two years old by now:^

    Good job, dolphins! Can’t light a cigarette? Fermentation doesn’t work? Then use another creature’s venom. Truly fantastic! This behavior adds to the theory that there is an interesting drive present in all living creatures: an unexplainable desire to change their perception of the surrounding environment. Given some countries’ policies regarding consciousness-altering substances, this is important food for thought.

    Nature surely never ceases to amaze. Why am I writing about this in 2016? Simply because I was really fascinated by the method that dolphins use and I want as many people as possible to know about such a wonder – just doing my job when it comes to “sharing is caring”. It’s also something that I need to have on this website.

    And because I want this posting to also contain some new information about our fellow lifeforms, here’s a recent (unrelated) discovery about birds and crocodiles. Impressive stuff:^

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’Dolphins Get High Too’ desc=’Groups of dolphins get high by chewing on puffer fish. After obtaining a sufficient amount of perception-altering neurotoxin from the creature, they pass it to another dolphin in the group.’]

  • Geomatic – Alternate Universe

    Geomatic – Alternate Universe

    Behold Geomatic, master of dark electronica. And when I say dark, I mean mysterious, evocative, intense. This melody is all that and more. I can’t understand what the middle-eastern choirs are about, but they sure sound amazing coupled with the percussion and sweeping, encompassing texture of the instrumentals.

    Geomatic have been on my radar ever since I’ve stumbled onto “Beyond the Beginning”^ last year via Spotify’s custom radio stations. In my book, that one ended up as the best song of 2015. Through each of the three albums I own, Geomatic confirms their status as one of the most interesting artists I’ve ever listened to.

    You can listen to the song for free, in good quality, on BandCamp, which is one of the best websites when it comes to supporting artists. You can also purchase the song (or album) from this same location. And in case you’re wondering, yes, I did purchase Geomatic’s album :).^^^^

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’Geomatic – Alternate Universe’ desc=’Behold Geomatic, master of dark electronica. And when I say dark, I mean mysterious, evocative, intense.’]

  • A Few Words About the Wonderful Mining Industry

    A Few Words About the Wonderful Mining Industry

    When the balance sheet looks bad, what’s a good executive to do? Cut worker benefits, of course! A bankrupt coal mining company just agreed to give millions of dollars in bonuses to its managers, as a reward for their clever financial strategy. I’d be more sarcastic if it wasn’t so damn tragic.

    Here’s the article that breaks the story:^

    It’s not the first time when these mining conglomerates are meat-grinding their own employees. From disastrous oil spills^ to catastrophic dam breaks^, down to transforming pristine nature into apocalyptic landscapes^, there are but a few crimes against the ecosystem that mining companies haven’t committed yet – don’t ask for a list.

    When are we going to wake up to the fact that our current economic model is not only unsustainable, but downright murderous? Mining companies are the scourge of the Earth. I suppose they have the excuse that they’re just following orders – it’s our society that “needs” their goods. The truly disgusting thing is that while all this is going on, politicians pad their bank accounts and judges look the other way.

    It’s quite hard to be balanced when analyzing this subject, almost impossible to be diplomatic. I am aware that we should be understanding towards investors and other interested parties. But when a CEO is paid 8 million dollars, it’s very difficult to argue in favor of cutting health and disability benefits for the company’s workers. There’s only one name such practices can be given: slavery.

    Unless we urge our governments to intervene, this situation will only get worse, because these corporations with bully mentality will only become more daring with every passing year. If they do this to their workers, it’s easy to extrapolate and realize that they’re applying the same budget cuts when it comes to maintenance and safety protocols. No wonder we’re hit by one environmental catastrophe after another.

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’A Few Words About the Wonderful Mining Industry’ desc=’When the balance sheet looks bad, what's a good executive to do? Cut worker benefits, of course! A bankrupt coal mining company just agreed to give millions of dollars in bonuses to its managers, as a reward for their clever financial strategy.’]

  • Devin Townsend – Ghost

    Devin Townsend – Ghost

    Let these voices soothe your mind, like the calm and blissful wind at the end of a hot day. Coming from the album with the same name, “Ghost” is one of the sweetest songs I know. Quiet guitars flow around sparkling islets of exotic sounds while a magical choir drops its nectar into the eardrums.

    Completing the beautiful melody are the lyrics, which are a testament to peace and respect towards life. This chant is written for the heart, this music is a key.

    Ghost is undoubtedly Devin’s most peaceful album to date. I wholeheartedly recommend you to take a dive into its world. Such gems do not appear often.

    “How about a body at moonlight
    How about a body at home
    How about a body at moonlight,
    How our body’s alone
    I don’t want to bother your moonlight
    I don’t want to bother your soul
    I don’t want to bother your moonlight
    How our body’s alone”

    YouTube (decent quality):^

    For Spotify Users (high quality):^

    For Deezer Users (high quality):^

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’Devin Townsend – Ghost’ desc=’Quiet guitars flow around sparkling islets of exotic sounds while a magical choir drops its nectar into the eardrums. Let these voices soothe your mind, like the calm and blissful wind at the end of a hot day.’]