Month: May 2016

  • Switzerland Invents New Recipe For Social Disaster

    Switzerland Invents New Recipe For Social Disaster

    Europe’s allergic reaction to Islam reaches new heights of the absurd. Other than being known as a haven where dubious characters stash their money in secret bank accounts, Switzerland has become increasingly racist and intolerant. In one region, the Swiss are forcing (via fines) Muslim students to shake the hand of their female teachers:^

    Besides the fact that I think the measure is exaggerated, it is also incredibly short-sighed. I don’t know what the Swiss people imagine they will achieve with this aggressive measure, but I’m pretty sure it won’t help them score any points towards successfully integrating their Muslim community.

    It’s one thing to disallow the construction of minarets or wearing the burqa in public, and a completely different thing to force somebody to touch skins with another person. It’s at least one order of magnitude more serious. There is such a thing as consent. Remember those anti-rape campaigns that say “no means no”? I think it’s just mean to force Muslims to do something they don’t like in the name of some Western cultural norm.

    I agree that our teachers should be respected (if they are good people). But respect can be shown through many other means than a hand shake. If the Muslim students do not respect their teacher, that is another story. The causes should be investigated separately. However, forcing them to act like they respect the person is childish and doomed to further alienate this demographic. The result could be disastrous, because we’ve all seen what can happen when we stop being compassionate and understanding with each other.

    In the clash of cultures, there is always a middle path. Many countries have found these compromises and, as a result, have benefited from the diversity brought by immigration. We are brothers and sisters. I know we can treat each other with respect, regardless of physical manifestations. What is with this obsession with touching anyway?

    Respect is earned, not asked for or forced.
    Respect is earned, not asked for or forced.

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’Switzerland Invents New Recipe For Social Disaster’ desc=’In one region, the Swiss are forcing (via fines) Muslim students to shake the hand of their female teachers.’]

  • Trentemøller – Moan (Vocal Remix feat. Ane Trolle)

    Trentemøller – Moan (Vocal Remix feat. Ane Trolle)

    With its sharp sound and amazing attention to detail, this melody made it to the top of my best finds of this 2016. One can listen to this song for a dozen times and continue to find surprising details coming out from liquid depths that wobble and echo.

    It’s danceable yet dreamy; at least until the planet-busting laser synth kicks in and turns the entire thing up to eleven. The word “obsessive” doesn’t quite do justice to this song. I have to stop…

    “Thinking about you
    Constantly thinking about you
    Thinking about you
    I’ve been thinking too much about you
    See the sunset with no sleep at all
    Constantly thinking about you
    And I can’t get through this at all”

    I’ll be thinking about this song for a long time. And, better yet, I’ll come back to it again and again and let my mind attack me with its exotic images.

    Last but not least, I recommend watching the video too.

    You can listen to the song for free, in good quality, on BandCamp, which is one of the best websites when it comes to supporting artists. You can also purchase the song (or album) from this same location. And in case you’re wondering, yes, I did purchase Trentemøller’s album :).^

    YouTube (SEE THE VIDEO):^

    For Spotify Users (high quality):^

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’Trentemøller – Moan (Vocal Remix feat. Ane Trolle)’ desc=’One can listen to this song for a dozen times and continue to find surprising details coming out from liquid depths that wobble and echo.’]

  • The United Arab Emirates and Climate Interventionism

    The United Arab Emirates and Climate Interventionism

    In typical “man versus nature” fashion, the UAE wants to alter the rainfall patterns in the region. The country plans to achieve this by erecting an artificial mountain, which should literally scrape the atmosphere for humidity and cause it to fall as rain:^

    Sometimes, these projects are nothing more than attention grabbers and pompous declarations. But our planet’s climate is no laughing matter. It’s disturbing that such plans have even made it this far.

    It’s what I’d like to call “climate interventionism”. As if it wasn’t enough that we’ve worsened global warming, now we go about thinking we can understand climate models well enough to tamper with the airflow of an entire region.

    What terrified me is not that the project is doomed to fail. It’s that it might work. The question we should be asking the builders is: at whose expense will this benefit you? Obviously, if the UAE diverts ocean humidity for its own purposes, somebody down the line is going to get less of it. And, as the butterfly effect^ shows, the consequences will be global and difficult to fathom.

    Our planet’s air is much more of a shared resource than our rivers and lakes. Building a dam on a river has less of a global effect than interfering with massive quantities of air that was otherwise going on its merry way towards the other side of the planet.

    To me, such projects showcase the extreme arrogance of man. We’re talking here about a country that wastes water in huge quantities, as the article I linked above points out. I have nothing against a country that tries to survive, but some humbleness would be expected before invoking the survival instinct.

    We’ve seen many gargantuan projects completed by the oil-spoiled countries of the Middle East. Part of the heat that is currently building up in our oceans and atmosphere comes from oil extracted there. I wonder if they’ll think of this when the planetary ocean drowns their Palm Islands^. Life is not without a sense of irony.

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’The United Arab Emirates and Climate Interventionism’ desc=’The UAE plans to erect an artificial mountain, which should literally scrape the atmosphere for humidity and cause it to fall as rain.’]

  • Danny Baranowsky – C.H.A.D.’s Broken Wind

    Danny Baranowsky – C.H.A.D.’s Broken Wind

    Let’s go for some addictive electronic grooves, singed along the edges by the flames of a passing guitar. Combining sounds that remind us of the games of the past, this catchy song comes straight from the soundtrack of Super Meat Boy^. Be careful, it may be more addictive than the game!

    You can listen to the song for free, in good quality, on BandCamp, which is one of the best websites when it comes to supporting artists. You can also purchase the song (or album) from this same location. And in case you’re wondering, yes, I did purchase Danny Baranowsky’s album :).^

    YouTube (decent quality):^

    For Spotify Users (high quality):^

    For Deezer Users (high quality):^

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’Danny Baranowsky – C.H.A.D.'s Broken Wind’ desc=’Let's go for some addictive electronic grooves, singed along the edges by the flames of a passing guitar.’]

  • Mitsubishi’s 25 Years of Lies

    Mitsubishi’s 25 Years of Lies

    Not even a year has passed since Volkswagen was caught cheating emission tests. The scandal that followed pummeled the company’s stock value and profits. But now, the German automaker has to stand aside for a bit, because we have a new champion of deception. Mitsubishi has been at it for 25 years:^

    It’s almost impossible to estimate how much damage this has done to human health in Japan, but it’s probably a lot. By doctoring emission tests, there was less pressure for the company to improve its cars. Those cars are still out there on the streets and they won’t be going anywhere for some time.

    Studies regarding how many people die yearly due to air pollution are inconclusive. This one puts the figure at three million, yearly^. What is certain is that pollution will shorten and decrease the quality of life for everybody. What’s even scarier is that, by now, it’s pretty obvious that most vehicles on our streets today have been sold with understated pollution records (other companies have been caught cheating or admitted that this is a wide-spread practice). Exactly on the day when I published this article, Suzuki was in the news^ regarding their fuel economy lies.

    I’ve said a while back that we’re partially to blame for the behavior of companies in the past decades. I don’t want to defend Mitsubishi, but the company has an additional excuse in the fact that it’s from Japan. Their culture is one of extreme performance. There’s even a special word for people who die from being over-worked^.

    Under these conditions, I am not entirely surprised that a bunch of engineers decided to lie to their superiors in order to look well at the salary review. In more ways than one, Japan is one of the worst cases of mixing Western values with another culture.

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’Mitsubishi's 25 Years of Lies’ desc=’Not even a year has passed since Volkswagen was caught cheating emission tests. Mitsubishi has been at it for 25 years.’]

  • Ephemeral Mists – Gardens Of Reflection

    Ephemeral Mists – Gardens Of Reflection

    There are very few psybient songs that I don’t like, so it’s difficult to select a Weekly from the dozens I love. This is a recent find so I let its age push it to the top of the list. It’s a really well structured melody featuring good rhythms, layered choirs and a rich sound palette. It’s “psybient by the book” in all the good ways one can interpret the expression.

    You can listen to the song for free, in good quality, on BandCamp, which is one of the best websites when it comes to supporting artists. You can also purchase the song (or album) from this same location. And in case you’re wondering, yes, I did purchase Ephemeral Mists’ album :).^

    YouTube (decent quality):^

    For Spotify Users (high quality):^

    For Deezer Users (high quality):^

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’Ephemeral Mists – Gardens Of Reflection’ desc=’A really well structured melody featuring good rhythms, layered choirs and a rich sound palette.’]

  • Smart Contact Lenses Will Soon Be upon Us

    Smart Contact Lenses Will Soon Be upon Us

    After Google experimented with integrating a glucose level sensor^ on a contact lens, it was only a matter of time before we would see more innovation in this field. A recent patent filing from Sony describes the intention of putting a camera inside a contact lens^.

    Privacy concerns

    While this toy won’t exactly be invisible –at least not at first – the privacy implications are quite serious. We’re still at least a few years away from market availability, but I imagine that after several product cycles, such a camera could reach a pretty good recording resolution. Coupled with wireless transmission to a storage device, people will eventually be able to record everything they see, everywhere they go.

    To be sure, there are many advantages to having this sort of camera hidden in plain sight – pun intended. For example, it could be used as a self-defense mechanism because it would give the possibility to apprehend criminals and present irrefutable evidence against them in court. There’s also the enormous convenience of being able to record important moments or useful information at the blink of an eye.

    When it comes to privacy, as our technology progresses, it will be increasingly difficult to detect and prohibit the use of this sort of devices. Evidently, in the wrong hands, such gizmos can also do a lot of harm. We will likely have to adapt to these changes and hope that the path they lead us on will be a good one.

    All this reminds me of an episode^ from the fascinating “Black Mirror” series, where people use a similar technology to record and relive any part of their lives. Such discoveries will drastically change our culture and society.


    There are quite a few challenges that will have to be overcome, such as powering the contact lens. We are already able to wirelessly power devices, but let’s also not forget that the human body itself is also capable of generating and conducting electricity and therefore even data.

    The potential of the contact lens as a carrier for various technologies is enormous. When manufacturers will finally be able to integrate even a half-decent display on a contact lens, we’ll witness the birth of an extremely lucrative business segment. The first steps towards this breakthrough have already been taken^.

    So far, all our experiments regarding augmented reality have involved clunky glasses. In seven to fifteen years, we might be able to have our smartphones implanted in our eyes and ears. Many will find this prospect rather scary, but many also consider their grandparents to be woefully out of touch with technology. It might soon be our turn to be out of touch.


    I think that we can say with a fair degree of certainty that smart contact lenses will flourish in the years to come. At least until we’re able to feed information directly to the optic nerve, their form factor makes them the holy grail of augmented reality. Perhaps they’ll never reach the high performance of larger devices, but I imagine contact lenses will become one of the most important “wearable” technologies of the 20s.

    As nanotechnology progresses, humans are bound to integrate more and more devices with their bodies. I don’t know if this is good or bad. It’s up to us as a society to correctly negotiate this upcoming technological leap.

    [ax_meta fbimgurl=’’ lnimgurl=’’ fbimgw=’1170′ fbimgh=’350′ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’Smart Contact Lenses Will Soon Be upon Us’ desc=’A recent patent filing from Sony describes the intention of putting a camera inside a contact lens.’]

  • Ganga Giri – Travelling Too

    Ganga Giri – Travelling Too

    Even from the first listen, this song’s atmosphere surrounded and enthralled me. The old man recounting memories of his beautiful moments on this Earth is a perfect enhancer for the music. A relentless didgeridoo is accompanied by powerful vibes while the tribal chants echo from all sides. Oh yes, the tribal vibe is strong with this one.

    You might want to check out the fan-made YouTube video too.

    “You can hear them sing
    You can see them dance
    Feel the rhythm
    Feel the beat…

    You could see them moving in the moonlight night
    You could see them dancing in the moonlight night”

    You can listen to the song for free, in good quality, on BandCamp, which is one of the best websites when it comes to supporting artists. You can also purchase the song (or album) from this same location. And in case you’re wondering, yes, I did purchase Ganga Giri’s album :).^

    YouTube (nice, fan-made video):^

    For Spotify Users (high quality):^

    For Deezer Users (high quality):^

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’Ganga Giri – Travelling Too’ desc=’A relentless didgeridoo is accompanied by powerful vibes while the tribal chants echo from all sides.’]

  • Best War Buddies Australia & France

    Best War Buddies Australia & France

    Fans of the military industrial complex, rejoice. There is a new romance on the block. Australia and France are deepening their military relationship, under the auspices of a fat ship-building contract:^

    Contemplating world peace, the Australian decision-makers thought that a dozen submarines are totally worth $50 billion of their people’s work. On the other side of the world, the failing French economy is in dire need of a stimulus. After relations soured between NATO and Russia, France had to cancel a profitable warships-building contract, although the Russians will probably be getting the ships anyway by using Egypt^ as a proxy.

    Fifty billion dollars; it’s hard not to wonder what a different type of government could have done with this amount of money. Such an investment would be a game changer in any vital government branch such as education, healthcare, social services or research.

    For example, a country could offer a salary of $4000 per month, for ten years to a hundred thousand people. In other words, a country could allow a hundred thousand entrepreneurs experiment with ideas for ten years. I think that after a decade, the products and technologies coming from even a tiny fraction of those entrepreneurs would help Australia more than a dozen chunks of metal thrown in the ocean to pollute it.

    Unfortunately for its citizens (and fortunately for the French ones), Australia decided that it’s jolly time to protect its oceans from the legion of enemy ships swarming in it and around its shores. Except wait, the only serious threat to man around Australia are sharks. This makes me wonder what exactly is at play here. Is NATO cultivating an ally that might one day assist in the power struggle with a resurgent China?

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’Best War Buddies Australia & France’ desc=’Fans of the military industrial complex, rejoice. There is a new romance on the block.’]

  • Royksopp – What Else Is There?

    Royksopp – What Else Is There?

    Electronic music duo Svein Berge and Torbjørn Brundtland collaborated with singer Karin Dreijer Andersson to create this highly original composition. A lot is happening in this song. It feels quite organic. Bringing the hit home is Karin’s unique way of singing. I should also mention that the video is quite good as well.

    “I don’t know what more to ask for
    I was given just one wish

    It’s about you and the sun
    A morning run
    The story of my maker
    What I have and what I ache for”

    YouTube (SEE THE VIDEO):^

    For Spotify Users (high quality):^

    For Deezer Users (high quality):^

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’Royksopp – What Else Is There?’ desc=’A lot is happening in this song. It feels quite organic. Bringing the hit home is Karin's unique way of singing.’]