Category: As applied to society

Discussing principles as applied to society.

  • Corporations, Corrupt Governments, Militaries and Lots of Empathy

    Corporations, Corrupt Governments, Militaries and Lots of Empathy

    Given all that’s happening in the world (wars, social injustice, brainwashing via mass-media and entertainment) it’s tempting to say we need a revolution. The heritage of this word is a bloody one. It is clear we need change. But let us embrace the concept of evolution.

    The very idea of revolution implies a return to a previous state. It is circular and repetitive in nature, just like our violent history. Evolution means breaking this vicious circle. Due to the upcoming technological advances, which will make nuclear weapons look like wet firecrackers, we are forced to evolve rather than revolve. I believe one of the keys of the next evolutionary step (if not the key) is generalized empathy.

    Social entities are people too

    Humans are social creatures. We’re organized in various groups that, naturally, tend to behave just like humans do. Humans compete. At least partially, the urge to compete is powered by the survival instinct.

    A corporation, for example, is a social entity that competes economically within the market ecosystem. It has a survival instinct that expresses itself through the decisions of the people leading it. And the people leading it must act in the interest of the organization, otherwise it will perish. Due to the high stakes involved, these individuals often end up disconnecting from their humanity in order to become the brain of this abstract creature – the often-ruthless corporation.

    This is only one of the empathic explanations for the reckless and sometimes outright criminal behavior of corporate leaders. Not only does this explanation make sense (if you are empathic), but is also one that relieves us from the debilitating pressure that builds up while being in a state of permanent anger and dissatisfaction. Blame is how we hide from solving problems within our society and relationships.

    The survival instinct factor can’t be stressed enough. In all people – some less than others – there is a very deeply rooted instinct to gather more of everything (thus ensuring one’s future). Even though we know right from wrong (depending on education), maintaining an ethically-correct behavior – while having this biological need to accumulate always throbbing in the back of one’s mind – requires a great deal of free will discipline.

    An empathic case can also be made for corrupt governments. Lord Acton once said that “power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely”. The greater the power, the greater the disconnect from one’s roots as an innocent human being. And isn’t corruption really just a symptom of this unfortunate disconnection? Just like corporate leaders, corrupt government officials separate themselves from the people they should have in their care. So, it is not surprising to see many of them fall prey to the “gather more of everything” impulse.

    Crime as flexible concept

    As ethics often shows, whether an act is a crime or not can be highly debatable. Law establishes certain boundaries, but law is almost always one step behind social change. If we apply what I’d call future-law (as opposed to the current judicial system which will probably be deemed as barbaric in some time from now), the greatest criminals often go unpunished. This is part due to human cunning, and part due to a judicial branch that doesn’t yet factor in some of the most serious crimes such as social irresponsibility.

    For example, those that knowingly set up and contribute to an educational system that produces broken individuals will eventually be seen just as bad (if not worse) as the individuals who were advertising tobacco and other poisonous substances in the past. Allowing the existence of an educational system that is damaging minds is a serious mistake. I can agree that most of the participants to this are victims of the same perpetuating system, but this educational cycle needs to be broken as well.

    By building an improper foundation for society, it is not surprising that we often end up voting in tyrants and sociopaths. Easily manipulatable citizens become facilitators for human disasters.

    Of course, some would argue that the entire point of this lack of education is to allow crooked governments to stay in power. But that was never a good long-term solution. The history book shows how many times this way of abusing citizens blew up in the face of the oppressors. Democracy without healthy education leads to dangerous, unpredictable situations.

    Often, that’s when armies come in. Finding justifications for the existence of the military is ethically challenging. The unfortunate soldiers become murderers while those that escape killing their own kind are facilitators and accomplices. Sure, the murder becomes “following orders” and even the orders have all sorts of geo-political motivations.

    It is exactly these motivations which make crime a highly relative term. More often than not, it’s not even naturally relative but rather a human-manipulated relativity. “History is written by the winners” and so are the rules that later decide what was crime and what was not.

    In this jungle of complexity, there is one behavior that can simplify and clarify the way forward towards a healthier, happier society.

    Generalized empathy and the science of empathy

    Humans are capable of great empathy. Through conscious action, empathy can be extended to complex human social structures (cultures, ethnic groups, social entities), to different species, towards the planet itself and the list goes on. This is generalized empathy, a wise and constructive conscious behavior. When (not if) this will predominate in our society, we will enter an age of amazing social transformation.

    This breakthrough can be accelerated through guidance. An education in empathy is necessary not only from the immediate family, but also throughout one’s journey as a student. Empathy should be a mandatory subject, a must-know science. An empathic population does not find it acceptable to commit crimes and will almost certainly not tolerate primitive manifestations of tribalism such as war.

    The upcoming educational paradigm shift will have to dispose of the disastrous mentality of “an eye for an eye”. Generalized empathy will lead to generalized forgiveness, which in turn will ease the psychological burden of our bloody history. I believe there is only a matter of time before this happens because I believe in the evolution of our collective intelligence. Given the weapons we wield and the upcoming technological advances, generalized empathy is our insurance policy for the future.


    This article bridges The “Art of Peace” Trilogy^ with The “Science of Peace” Trilogy (currently only Part 1 was published: The Survival Instinct and the Rules of the Human Game^).


    “An eye for an eye will only make this world go blind
    Another lie for a lie, we’ll be wiping out mankind”

    [ax_meta fbimgurl=’’ lnimgurl=’’ fbimgw=’1170′ fbimgh=’350′ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’Corporations, Corrupt Governments, Militaries and Lots of Empathy’ desc=’One of the keys of the next evolutionary step is generalized empathy.’]

  • The “Art of Peace” Trilogy

    The “Art of Peace” Trilogy

    Peace is something most people yearn for. Yet sometimes it seems like it’s slipping away rather than becoming wide-spread. There probably is a parallel between a lack of peace in people’s private life and the lack of peace between many countries, societies or cultures.

    We live in a day and age when individualism has become a new religion and when the survival instinct hasn’t yet caught up with the comforts of modern life. Science has given us so much that many people have fallen into it, making it the sole focus of their life, often forgetting about other equally important aspects of existence. They seek in science the solution to any problem. But looking at our evolution, I would say that our science is still primitive. It’s definitely not something we should have blind faith in, yet this is exactly the ego trap that some people fall for.

    Emotion ended up being seen as the behavioral manifestation of a biological machine. Perhaps it is, but this approach lacks imagination; its artistic dimension is missing. As the union between emotion and free will, art is a pillar of life.

    Let’s go beyond the simple textbook definition of peace and above the few sentences we could think of in a rush. Peace as a life-permeating and world-changing emotion is something that we need to dig at. It is something that requires introspection, research and application.

    Throughout the following three articles, I have silenced my inner scientist and tuned in to my emotions. I explored gratefulness, love and empathy in order to grasp at the foundations of peace.

    Part 1 – Because You Are Here^, exposes gratefulness as a key ingredient of a happier life. This emotion is a catalyst for the cultivation of inner peace and its outward manifestation as social peace.

    Part 2 – Interaction and the Spectrum of Love^, deals with relationships and how they generate love and grow from love. The emotion of love is not only a primordial force of life but also the strongest motivator for peace.

    Part 3 – Be and Let Be^, focuses on empathy and how this can release one’s life from the pressure of destructive competition (in opposition to natural, instinct-driven competition). Empathy is an instinctual means of connection and a transmitter of peace.

    Interlude – Corporations, Corrupt Governments, Militaries and Lots of Empathy^, bridges this trilogy with the upcoming “Science of Peace” trilogy.


    I wish you peace.

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’The "Art of Peace" Trilogy’ desc=’Exploring gratefulness, love and empathy in order to grasp at the foundations of peace.’]

  • Opinion or Analysis

    Opinion or Analysis

    Most of my writing on this website consists of reviews and analysis. These are two vastly different areas which demand an equally different approach from the writer. I believe that it is very important for any author to use the appropriate thought process when publishing any material that can be referred to by others. It is a matter of responsibility, especially when it comes to analysis.

    The word “analysis” has many meanings. One popular understanding is linked to the field of science. Analysis can be experimental or statistical. In both cases, abstractions are used in order to bring infinitely-complex processes down to our level of understanding.

    I don’t think that we currently have the knowledge or technology to fully understand or make clear predictions regarding the actions of millions of people and their complex interactions. We can, however, put forward various hypotheses and assumptions, backing these up with as many facts as possible.

    Misusing opinion

    One of my assumptions is that emitting an opinion is not proper when dealing with matters which concern the life of more beings than the individual holding the opinion. Opinion is best suited for discussions about art or subjects that pertain to one’s personal life; although in this latter case it can be argued that it is risky or perhaps even dangerous to base life-altering choices upon something as fickle and unfounded as opinion.

    This assumption is quite easy to back using facts. Sadly, throughout our history, there have been many people in positions of power which mixed their personal opinions with politics, ultimately ruining countless lives. They sometimes even used science to justify their choices, but time eventually proved that there was little more than opinion behind their twisted analysis.

    The right tool for the job

    In my writing, I try to keep a strict delimitation between opinion and analysis. I have the right to an opinion when it comes to a work of art, perhaps a product. But when my words concern anything else than me, opinion is relegated to a far-away second place, that is, if it is even present at all.

    The reverse is also true, although to a lesser extent. Art can seldom be analyzed. It is here when opinion is best suited, since the perception of art is of a deeply personal nature. However, art also involves skill, and this is something that can be measured, to a certain degree. Therefore I would say that there is more room for analysis in art than for opinion in analysis.

    This separation of concerns is by no means absolute. The beautiful challenge of writing about a certain topic lies in finding a harmonious balance between the personal perspective and the social context.

    Middle ground

    In some cases, opinion and analysis can share the spotlight. When writing a product review, there is a fair amount of opinion involved, for example regarding the build quality or usefulness of the product. These judgments are influenced by personal taste and habit. In the same time, such a review must also present a meaningful analysis that can be useful to the reader, mindful of the fact that every reader is different.

    Through this project, I will strive for a middle ground between these two styles of writing. For every opinion I put out there, I will offer another, more analytical work (on a different topic). And from time to time, some product review will show up as well.

    What about these words? Was this an opinion or an analysis? I’d say it was a bit of both. It’s my opinion and analysis on the topic of opinion or analysis. For sure, it has helped me visualize how to pursue my craft onwards.

    I’ll close with an amusing but important warning. A friend of mine once said: “Opinions are like assholes. Everybody has one and they’re all smelly”. This can labeled as “vulgar” but such categorization will never stop me from recognizing the validity of a claim or its entertainment value – the statement above has both. I will be careful with my opinions and try to keep Mentatul as least smelly as possible.

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