Category: Recommendations

Recommendations from around the web.

  • Stack Overflow vs ChatGPT

    Stack Overflow vs ChatGPT

    Thank you, Stack Overflow (& the other sister websites) for helping me many times in the past. But my experience in the past years has become worse and worse. Now-a-days, I have my stomach almost in knots when I post a question there. The attitude of some people there is quite… negative (to put it very politely).

    Thank you, Stack Overflow, for accruing a vast body of problem-solving knowledge. Tools such as chatGPT stand upon the shoulders of giants.

    Now that that’s out of the way…

    I had a simple technical question that pretty much anybody that knows a bit about the Google Analytics APIs could answer.

    Stack Overflow
    Stack Overflow

    What I got on Stack Overflow after about 6 hours of waiting was a -1 vote with no single explanation. There was a comment, which was hidden for no reason at all (other than the question having a -1 perhaps? who knows what the UX people of Stack Overflow are thinking?). The comment was ok, but not that useful (it was mostly in the area of “why do it like that?”, which is something that I have come to fear when asking anything on SO).

    And then I remembered that I have an alternative.

    It took chatGPT oh, about 5 seconds to answer my question (and I got spared of the attitude in the process). And then I had the following lovely conversation with it, even checking its knowledge of Haxe:


    Axonn Echysttas

    Does Google Analytics have a query language?
    I’m working on a back-end script that takes some data from my Google Analytics account and sends it to another application. The script is controlled by a web client. I don’t want to add too many UI elements in the web client (I don’t want to build another Google Analytics Query Explorer like the one at ). I just want to offer 1 textbox and the user should write their query there.

    On the back-end, I can query Google Analytics using their own libraries, which take in various parameters such as start date, end date, metrics, etc.. But each of these require some separate coding & validation client-side. Would be nice if there would be some sort of syntax for querying analytics data.

    Chat GPT

    Yes, Google Analytics has a query language called the Core Reporting API Query Language. It is a syntax that allows you to query Google Analytics data programmatically using HTTP requests. This language is based on the Google Analytics Data Model, and it allows you to specify dimensions, metrics, filters, and other parameters in a single HTTP request.

    The Core Reporting API Query Language is similar to SQL and allows you to write complex queries to retrieve data from your Google Analytics account. You can use it to retrieve data for a single view or for multiple views, and you can specify the data range, sampling level, and sorting options.

    To use the Core Reporting API Query Language, you will need to make HTTP requests to the Google Analytics API endpoint and include the query parameters in the request URL. You can then parse the response data, which is returned in JSON format, and use it in your script.

    Google provides a Query Explorer tool for testing and learning the query language, which you can access at This tool provides a user-friendly interface for building and testing queries, and it can also generate the corresponding HTTP requests for you.

    You can find more information about the Core Reporting API Query Language in the Google Analytics Developer documentation at

    Axonn Echysttas

    Can you please give me an example of a query written using Core Reporting API Query Language?

    Chat GPT

    Sure, here’s an example of a query that retrieves the number of sessions, pageviews, and bounce rate for the top 10 landing pages for a specific date range:

    Copy code
    In this example, the query is sent to the Google Analytics API endpoint, which is The ids parameter specifies the view ID for the Google Analytics account that you want to query.

    The start-date and end-date parameters specify the date range for the query, which in this example is from January 1, 2022 to January 31, 2022.

    The metrics parameter specifies the metrics that you want to retrieve, which in this example are sessions (ga:sessions), pageviews (ga:pageviews), and bounce rate (ga:bounceRate).

    The dimensions parameter specifies the dimensions that you want to group the data by, which in this example is the landing page path (ga:landingPagePath).

    The sort parameter specifies the sort order for the query results, which in this example is by descending pageviews (-ga:pageviews).

    The max-results parameter specifies the maximum number of results that you want to retrieve, which in this example is 10.

    When you send this query to the Google Analytics API endpoint, it will return a JSON response that includes the requested metrics and dimensions for the specified date range. You can then parse the JSON response and use the data in your script.

    Axonn Echysttas

    Can you please offer the above example in JavaScript?

    Chat GPT

    Sure, here’s an example of how you can send the Core Reporting API Query Language query in JavaScript using the Fetch API:

    Copy code
    const VIEW_ID = ‘ga:123456789’; // Replace with your Google Analytics view ID
    const API_KEY = ‘YOUR_API_KEY’; // Replace with your Google API key
    const API_URL = ‘’;

    const start_date = ‘2022-01-01’;
    const end_date = ‘2022-01-31’;
    const metrics = ‘ga:sessions,ga:pageviews,ga:bounceRate’;
    const dimensions = ‘ga:landingPagePath’;
    const sort = ‘-ga:pageviews’;
    const max_results = ’10’;

    const query_params = new URLSearchParams({
    ‘ids’: VIEW_ID,
    ‘start-date’: start_date,
    ‘end-date’: end_date,
    ‘metrics’: metrics,
    ‘dimensions’: dimensions,
    ‘sort’: sort,
    ‘max-results’: max_results,
    ‘key’: API_KEY

    const query_url = `${API_URL}?${query_params.toString()}`;

    .then(response => response.json())
    .then(data => {
    // Process the query data
    .catch(error => {
    // Handle the query error
    In this example, we define constants for the Google Analytics view ID (VIEW_ID), the Google API key (API_KEY), and the Google Analytics API endpoint URL (API_URL).

    We then define variables for the query parameters, including the start date, end date, metrics, dimensions, sort, and max results.

    We create a new URLSearchParams object to encode the query parameters as a URL query string, and then append the Google API key to the query string.

    We then construct the query URL by concatenating the Google Analytics API endpoint URL and the encoded query parameters.

    We send the query to the Google Analytics API endpoint using the Fetch API, and then process the query data in the then callback function. If an error occurs, we handle it in the catch callback function.

    Axonn Echysttas

    Can you translate the above example from JavaScript to Haxe? Haxe also has a class that is used to fetch web requests.

    Chat GPT

    Sure! Here is an example of how to send the same Core Reporting API Query Language query using Haxe and its haxe.Http class:

    Copy code
    import haxe.Http;

    class Main {
    static function main() {
    var VIEW_ID = ‘ga:123456789’; // Replace with your Google Analytics view ID
    var API_KEY = ‘YOUR_API_KEY’; // Replace with your Google API key
    var API_URL = ‘’;

    var start_date = ‘2022-01-01’;
    var end_date = ‘2022-01-31’;
    var metrics = ‘ga:sessions,ga:pageviews,ga:bounceRate’;
    var dimensions = ‘ga:landingPagePath’;
    var sort = ‘-ga:pageviews’;
    var max_results = ’10’;

    var query_params = new URLSearchParams({
    ‘ids’: VIEW_ID,
    ‘start-date’: start_date,
    ‘end-date’: end_date,
    ‘metrics’: metrics,
    ‘dimensions’: dimensions,
    ‘sort’: sort,
    ‘max-results’: max_results,
    ‘key’: API_KEY

    var query_url = ‘${API_URL}?${query_params.toString()}’;

    var http = new Http(query_url);
    http.onData = function(data:String) {
    // Process the query data
    http.onError = function(error:String) {
    // Handle the query error
    In this example, we first import the haxe.Http class for sending web requests and the class for building the query URL.

    We define constants for the Google Analytics view ID (VIEW_ID), the Google API key (API_KEY), and the Google Analytics API endpoint URL (API_URL).

    We then define variables for the query parameters, including the start date, end date, metrics, dimensions, sort, and max results.

    We create a new URLSearchParams object to encode the query parameters as a URL query string, and then append the Google API key to the query string.

    We then construct the query URL by concatenating the Google Analytics API endpoint URL and the encoded query parameters.

    We create a new Http object and set its onData and onError properties to handle the query response data and errors, respectively.

    Finally, we call the request method of the Http object to send the query to the Google Analytics API endpoint.

    In a nutshell, somebody at Stack Overflow could have told me that the Query Language does exist, except that it is NOT that similar to SQL (you got that a bit wrong, chatGPT). But queries CAN be handled as strings that can be parsed into JSON objects for example.

    It would have taken just a few seconds for somebody to empathize, give me a short, quick tip and move on. Now, 10 hours later, the question is still unanswered on Stack Overflow and I wonder how come an early-generation AI can make me feel so good compared to the human element?

    This is not to say that humans aren’t amazing. It’s just that they’re probably too busy with their own over-crowded lives. Stack Overflow certainly has excellent people, I just don’t have the luck of meeting them. I’m very grateful that for such situations I have chatGPT to rely on.

    It only strengthens my belief that knowing how to use such tools is essential for… pretty much anybody. More on that, in the future.

    Oh, and I can’t write about the positives of chatGPT without mentioning this one, horrible negative:

  • Parenting Dumplings

    Parenting Dumplings

    This is not about being a mother or father to a bunch of freshly cooked dumplings, nor about how to educate dumplings on how to behave once they arrive in the stomach. This is simply me dumping a bunch of useful parenting articles.

    10 Emotion-Coaching Phrases to Use When Your Child is Upset^

    Setting Limits Without Using Threats to Enforce Them^

    How To Change Your Child’s Behavior – Without Punishment^

    When a Parent’s ‘I Love You’ Means ‘Do as I Say’^

    What Happens to a Woman’s Brain When She Becomes a Mother^

    I recommended this one some years ago, but it’s so good I just had to include it on this list as well.

    The Birth of a Mother^

    And here’s a bunch of articles from Janet Lansbury, a popular writer covering respectful parenting. Reading her is an eye opener and her teachings helped us defuse many arguments with our toddler and then child.

    Truths About Consequences^

    No Bad Kids – Toddler Discipline Without Shame (9 Guidelines)^

    The Key To Your Child’s Heart (7 Ways It Works)^

    Setting Limits That Make Mealtimes Enjoyable^

    4 Best Ways To Raise Children With Social Intelligence^

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’Parenting Dumplings’ desc=’A number of useful parenting articles.’]

  • Big Data + Quantum Computing = AI?

    Big Data + Quantum Computing = AI?

    Everything that is currently sold as Artificial Intelligence is in fact, statistics. Sure, it’s a very advanced (and capable!) form of statistics called Big Data^, but still, it’s just statistics. Machine Learning is entirely human-written algorithms that chew data.

    The so called “AI” is, unfortunately for us, not intelligent at all^ – and I say unfortunately not because I know AI won’t be hostile towards us (at least not by intent^), but rather because the current form of “AI” is defined and shaped by the hands of humans, who are experts at wiping each other out.

    In any case, Machine Learning is powerful.

    Electricity costs is one example of how corporations get an edge over each other using Machine Learning:^

    This is, of course, a nice win for Google. Now let’s see when the technology will make life better for the rest of the planet, not only for the corporation’s shareholders (and partners).

    Another clever use of Machine Learning is materials research:^

    Of course, ML is also becoming instrumental in medicine. That’s one of the most interesting fields for ML since there’s heaps of interesting data just lying to be put to (hopefully) good use:^

    But all this is still using good old transistors. And transistors might soon look like a horse & carriage compared to what quantum computers will be capable of (even though the two will no doubt have synergies fueling their co-existence for a while):^

    Here’s a nice summary covering a lot of things surrounding the upcoming quantum computing revolution:^

    Sure, quantum computers won’t immediately be used to run Crysis^, but they are clearly set to allow an even greater leap in computational power than the one we already experienced during the past 66 years of transistor-based computation^.

    And it’s not just about computational power, but also security & speed. Here’s an article about quantum communication:^

    The race for quantum supremacy is on. For updates, follow this page:^

    So what will happen when we reach, and then dive deep into quantum supremacy and bring all our Big Data tech to that depth? I once read an article that said “A.I. still needs us — to build quantum computers”. Here, I found it:^

    And here’s a bonus article: a leaked internal Google video shows a creepy vision of how data could be used to direct human decision-making. And keep in mind that this was on Google’s design table already several years ago:^

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’Big Data + Quantum Computing = AI?’ desc=’A.I. still needs us – to build quantum computers.’]

  • The Morality and Behavior of Children

    The Morality and Behavior of Children

    Some adults lack morality even after an entire lifetime. Yet, as this study shows, constructive ethical values are something that the vast majority of us are born with:^

    So when does one lose one’s moral compass? Perhaps, like almost any quality in life, it has to be cultivated:^

    Here are more tips about how to ensure the healthy development of a child’s behavioral dictionary:^

    And more:^

    Obviously, there are many routes available when one wants to foster a child’s healthy emotional and intellectual development. All or any of these lead to a happier adulthood, to people we can rely on, to a better world of tomorrow.

    But there are also routes that jeopardize a child’s development. Here’s an article about self-soothing:^

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’The Morality and Behavior of Children’ desc=’Some adults lack morality even after an entire lifetime. Yet, as this study shows, constructive ethical values are something that the vast majority of us are born with.’]

  • Troubles with Antibiotics

    Troubles with Antibiotics

    The antibiotics industry is going through rough times. Big Pharma is heavily polluting Asia, where India and China are the main producers of the world’s most commonly used drugs:^

    But it’s even worse when companies give up researching new antibiotics because these sort of medicine doesn’t give enough profit:^

    This is understandable given the way our economy works^. The sad effect is that it just doesn’t pay off to tackle new species of antibiotic-resistant bacteria (after the same antibiotic industry caused their emergence, in the never-ending battle with evolution – a battle that cannot be won at our current technological level):^

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’Troubles with Antibiotics’ desc=’The antibiotics industry is going through rough times.’]

  • Privacy Desensitization Through Nuisance

    Privacy Desensitization Through Nuisance

    While surfing the web, did you perhaps, just by chance, come across popup messages and notifications? Doesn’t it seem like there’s more of those with every passing year? Have you been assaulted by updated “terms and conditions” statements from the plethora of services you use?

    Notifications about cookies abound. The GDPR “spam” is wreaking havoc. At least in the EU, surfing is becoming increasingly annoying. The first access on almost any given site leads to at least two popups, and perhaps a third one about allowing the site to give notifications, or a fourth about social media interactions, or a fifth about sharing location… the list goes on and on.

    Wait, wasn’t all this meant to protect our privacy? I don’t think so anymore. Privacy could have been protected without a gazillion notifications. The respect for privacy should have been implied, not asked for. Looking at how the attack of legal notices is orchestrated on almost every website we visit, it’s obvious that the objective is to abuse the user, overwhelm the brain and basically just herd everybody into a “click-ok-to-give-up-your-rights” mentality.

    The EULA (End User License Agreement) is the oldest form of legalese attack. In recent times, companies were forced to simplify it, but the old reflexes of “accept whatever” are still there:^

    But then came social networks and cookie spying, which caused a deluge of notifications popping up everywhere, up to the point where governmental bodies (ahem, the same ones that asked for this) are trying to find way to de-clog the browsing experience:^

    Meanwhile, other methods^ to suppress the cookie monster’s yells have showed up.

    But just when we sort of adapted to the cookies thing… came the GDPR (in the EU):^^

    And we can’t forget the war on Ad Blockers:^

    Nor can we forget “social networking beggars” (those websites that ask us to follow, subscribe, allow notifications or whatever else they can do to be a part of our lives):^

    Last but not least, how about the mobile versions of websites forcing users to use their native apps? Yes, this has extremely much to do with privacy, as this answer points out: “An app has more potential access to your phone and hardware than a website. Access to your contacts, alarms, camera, and maybe most importantly for social media platforms, notifications. Notifications to have you coming back for more and more.”^

    Of course, the corporate overlords are very giddy about this:^

    Use Our App
    Use Our App

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’Privacy Desensitization Through Nuisance’ desc=’While surfing the web, did you perhaps, just by chance, come across popup messages and notifications? Doesn't it seem like there's more of those with every passing year?’]

  • Justice vs Revenge, Consequence vs Punishment

    Justice vs Revenge, Consequence vs Punishment

    In my life as a human, husband and father, I was often confronted with the four words above. So I decided to highlight them all at once and see what shows up.

    Let’s start with the differences. “Revenge is, by nature, personal; justice is impersonal, impartial, and both a social and legal phenomenon” and “Revenge is predominantly emotional; justice primarily rational”:^

    The difference between consequences and punishment is extremely important when it comes to child education:^

    “Whether they are natural or logical, consequences help us all to learn and grow. When kids experience the results of their actions, they learn to make better choices and improve their behaviors. In short, consequences = learning.

    Importantly, a consequence respects the child’s right to make a decision, even if it’s not a good one. It’s not a withdrawal of love or a rejection. It’s a matter-of-fact learning experience in which you maintain a better relationship with your child as you hold him accountable.”^

    “The essential difference between consequences and punishments is our sincere and honest sharing. We can’t be gentle parents without taking care of our personal boundaries… and the consequences of that kind of modeling are all good.”

    Makes sense, right? But guess how many parents actually live that. Not many, unfortunately. Even being aware of such information, I still make mistakes! So then is it surprising that after being educated with punishment, most adults repeat the same flawed pattern? Sometime soon, this circle must be broken.

    If children currently have little opportunity for a consequence-based education, perhaps there is a way to change ourselves as adults. Could forgiveness and progressive justice^ be the way? Unfortunately, society is still fixated with “putting the problem away”:^

    “Punishment is the imposition of an undesirable or unpleasant outcome upon a group or individual, meted out by an authority—in contexts ranging from child discipline to criminal law—as a response and deterrent to a particular action or behavior that is deemed undesirable or unacceptable. The reasoning may be to condition a child to avoid self-endangerment, to impose social conformity”, etc.

    When it comes to prison, nowhere in the world is its dismal lefficiency^ highlighted better than in that country with the highest per-capita imprisoned population in the world. It’s a country that I think can’t dare to call itself “land of the free” anymore: the USA^. Of course, prison is a bad solution no matter where on Earth, except perhaps some experimental prisons. What I advocate is Prison 2.0^ (or more precisely “Justice 2.0”).

    But back to punishment. It gets worse:^

    “Retributive justice is a theory of punishment that when an offender breaks the law, justice requires that he or she suffer in return.”

    This is basically “eye for an eye”. And as an artist^ once said: “an eye for an eye makes the world go blind.”

    Personally, I believe that the vast majority of criminals, especially non-violent ones, are a product of society. Confronting our evolutionary weaknesses^, social contribution inequality^ and education^ will have as a consequences the closure of anywhere between 70% to 99% of all forced confinement institutions.

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’Justice vs Revenge, Consequence vs Punishment’ desc=’Revenge is, by nature, personal; justice is impersonal, impartial, and both a social and legal phenomenon. The difference between consequences and punishment is extremely important when it comes to child education.’]

  • About Expectations

    About Expectations

    Happiness = Reality – Expectations

    I came across this “formula” after a rather difficult day in my life at the end of which I found my expectations put through a blender and then thrown down the toilet. This isn’t the first time this happened. Being an optimist makes the clash with my own expectations even worse.

    I decided to look more deeply into this topic and came across the above formula, which for a while seemed to make sense. Luckily, I wrote this article and I realized that of course things aren’t as clear cut. It’s good that “expectations” seems to be a subject everybody + their dog love to debate. That made it very easy for me to find some useful information about the topic.

    First, let’s see what the “having no expectations is good” camp has to say:^

    The article above comes from an author of some 11 books and hundreds of articles. He’s making good points. But what I notice is that he handles only the negative part of having expectations, which is fine. But I find it very important to realize that “expectations” isn’t just a noun: it’s a complex and multi-faceted behavior.^

    What does having “no expectations” mean anyway? And if such a thing is so simple, why doesn’t everybody just do it? As it turns out, there’s a problem with the “Happiness = Reality – Expectations” formula.

    As this (rather poorly typed but still valuable) article^ points out: “you’ll work your ass off to lower your expectations to lonely monk limits. Then, when expectations will be close to zero, you’ll get to: Happiness = Reality 0. Which really means Happiness = Reality. Are you kidding me?

    This nicely leads us to what the “expectations are good” camp has to say:^

    So yes, expectations can be good. As the article above correctly points out: “if I operate by the theory of most and don’t expect anything from people, then where’s my inspiration to strive for more? If I’m not to expect certain behaviors from people in my life, what motivates me or them to develop into being the best version of ourselves?”^

    And now here’s an article about expectations and relationships. It drives some solid points especially when it comes to not accepting being treated poorly.^

    So who’s right? Everybody! These are all good, valuable points.

    So what to do? Expectations management. That’s how we, as individuals, can decide how expectations can either empower us or drag us down. So, here’s a new formula:

    Happiness = Reality + Expectation Management




    “Having expectations is strangling yourself with the future, hooked to a ceiling that can sometimes be as far away from you as never.”

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’About Expectations’ desc=’Expectations management. That's how we, as individuals, can decide how expectations can either empower us or drag us down.’]

  • “Helping” Developing Countries – The Mastery of Abuse

    “Helping” Developing Countries – The Mastery of Abuse

    The way superpowers and developed countries have spent money in order to „help” developing countries is often highly questionable. The „help” ranges from plaine naive to ruthless neo-colonialism.

    What adds insult to injury is that more often than not, the problem was caused by those „helpful” nation-states in the first place. This is a very complex topic that, for now, I will not debate. I’ll just give you the information along with a few short comments.

    Before that, however, I’d like to mention that this is not meant to disregard the many efforts that did work well for developing countries, particularly in the field of agriculture, human rights and social development.

    Arbitrary Border Creation, or How to Plant the Seeds of Destruction

    Take a close look at the shape of borders of countries such as Iraq^, Syria^, Libya^ and Egypt^ to name a few. There are quite a few straight lines. Why? It’s so easy for leaders to draw straight lines to partition territory they’re bickering about. But when they draw a straight line between communities that share the same religion or put vastly different cultures in the same bucket, bloodshed should not come as a surprise.

    Then again, those that planted the seeds of destruction probably knew what they were doing. A couple of dictators later though, millions of people worth unimaginable potential have been lost (and billions of dollars in profits from the sale of weapons have been gained).

    China’s Belt and Road Initiative

    A wonderful example of neo-colonialism^ is China’s BRI:^

    The Great Western Empire (my own name for it) is of course always quick to attack China’s expansionist plans. Perhaps it’s just jealous that China is trying to beat it at its own game.

    The $100 Laptop That Wanted to Change the World (and Miserably Failed)

    Once upon a time, an idealist computer scientist^ hoped that giving poor children laptops would improve their chances of success in a world where technology plays an ever-increasing role. We will never know if he was right, because the project failed (not with a bang, but with a whimper):^

    To be honest, I disagree that throwing plastic and silicon at developing countries would be more helpful than investing in better training for teachers and a large number of social advisors to begin tackling major social issues such as corruption and toxic social stratification (I’m all for diversity, but not at the expense of the value of life).

    The Weapon Trade

    Recently, I became aware of a company that sells watches made out of metal extracted from confiscated weapons. Their marketing says that buying such a watch “supports peace”. One of their commercials shows Kalashnikovs being destroyed, because of course that’s the only weapon in the world:

    Pardon me for going: “yeah, destroy the weapons made by the previous superpower so that you can sell new ones”. After all, there’s a lot of people banking on conflict in such nations; there’s fewer and fewer countries on Earth engaged in active war and the weapons industry can’t just die… right?


    No comment.^^

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’"Helping" Developing Countries – The Mastery of Abuse’ desc=’The way superpowers and developed countries have spent money in order to "help" developing countries is often highly questionable. The "help" ranges from plain naive to ruthless neo-colonialism.’]

  • Energy in 2019: Fusion, Fission and More

    Energy in 2019: Fusion, Fission and More

    Our species’ insatiable hunger for energy is in a permanent conflict with our quest to keep our planet clean. Some nation-states’ “clean energy” marketing is almost hypocritical given how little they do to address the root cause of rampant energy consumption: hyper-consumerism^.

    Anyway… how can we get cleaner energy?

    Fusion via tokamak

    Fusion^ is the holy grail of energy generation. It’s clean and the necessary fuel, hydrogen, is literally everywhere. Unfortunately, replicating the Sun’s mastery of fusion isn’t exactly a piece of cake.

    Once heralded as the world’s first nuclear fusion experimental reactor, wannabe ITER^ is well on its way to becoming one of our species’ worst scientific investments. Delay after delay^ have plagued the project and good news is scarce:^

    I’ve been following ITER for a long time now and was for many years rooting for it. But to be honest, it does begin to look like there are too many things wrong^ with the project. And given how well solar power^ has been doing (well, except the fact that it also may harm the environment^), who needs ITER?

    Fusion via stellerators

    Wendelstein 7-X is a smaller but apparently more promising fusion reactor. This type of system bears the catchy name of “stellarator”. Things have been going pretty well in Germany with this project:^

    Stellarators were among the first type of fusion energy generation device to be considered possible. Tokamaks came a bit later and stole the show for a while, at least until ITER proved the world that perhaps we shouldn’t abandon stellarators just yet.

    How about some supercomputing?

    Building Wendelstein 7-X wouldn’t even have been possible without help from our rapidly advancing computing abilities. But wait until we add some machine learning on top of that:^

    Despite my skepticism regarding “AI”^, I do believe that this is one situation where machine learning can do miracles.

    Is there such a thing like clean fission?

    Nuclear fission^, aka splitting the atom, has always been dirty (nuclear waste, nuclear weapon material). The temptation to use such energy, however, is almost irresistible, as radioactive elements are by far the highest density fuel that we can currently exploit. Unfortunately, this stuff is also used to make nukes.

    For a while, people kept thinking that Thorium^ might actually prevent nuclear weapons proliferation, but that might not be true:^

    In any case, Thorium-based fission power is still actively researched^.

    Renewable energy trends for 2019

    Last but not least, here are some interesting renewable energy trends to follow this year:^

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’Energy in 2019: Fusion, Fission and More’ desc=’Fusion is the holy grail of energy generation. It's clean and the necessary fuel, hydrogen, is literally everywhere. Unfortunately, replicating the Sun's mastery of fusion isn't exactly a piece of cake.’]