
  • Micro Biography

    Micro Biography

    A person is a perpetually changing collection of life experiences playing upon a genetic tapestry. Rather than struggling to explain or define who I am, I’ll try to offer a bit of insight regarding how I came to write these words. There are two reasons why I wish to share this information.

    First, I feel that by enumerating some of the major events that have shaped my life, I’m encouraging a personal connection with you. Secondly, my past is a factor in choosing the topics I write about.

    This is part of a series detailing the intellectual pillars of my craft. The other two are:
    “Why Am I Writing?”^, which details my motivations.
    “Mission Statement”^, which details my purposes.

    Now… where am I coming from and where am I heading?

    Early steps

    Imagination played a very important role in my childhood. I became my own story-teller quite early. As a teenager, I started writing several novels before being completely absorbed by another passion of mine.

    This other passion barged in my life around the age of 6, when I interacted for the first time with a computer. It was a mesmerizing experience for the child that I was. Computers back then weren’t common at all and I think that the event took place at a perfect age, an age when I perceived that screen as a sort of magical, wonderful device. This feeling, this enthusiasm is as fresh in my mind as it was back then.

    A few years later, after I first set eyes on computer games, I felt an irresistible attraction towards technology. Everything else came second. Not only did I become a gamer, but I also took my first steps in game design, using pen and paper. Later on, I focused towards becoming a software developer – this happens to be how I’m currently making a living.

    Music was another early passion, even though I eventually settled for listening rather than creating. My father introduced me to bands such as Pink Floyd, ZZ Top and Dire Straits. Later on, childhood friends got me into rave and metal. I eventually made my way to all sorts of genres and artists from around the world.

    My parents got divorced when I was 7, after some rather rough years. What followed wasn’t easy either. Emotionally, my mother had the duty to put me back together again after a rather difficult childhood. She did so with fantastic love and diligence, given the handful that I was. This is worth mentioning because the seeds of love she planted in me are a powerful influence in my art.

    The gaming years

    Dune 2, Wolfenstein 3D, Doom, WarCraft 2, Mortal Kombat, StarCraft, Diablo 2, Heroes 3 and Baldur’s Gate 2 are just a few of the games in which I invested copious amounts of time. Yes, I used the word “invested”, not the word “wasted”. My gaming time was an investment, one which has proven its value more than once, socially, professionally and artistically. Along with music, this was a refuge through a stormy period of my life.

    These years also brought a renewed interest in electronics. I was always a tinkerer and my computer became the perfect learning ground. Soon, I was upgrading my systems and making good use of any hardware-related information that was available to me.

    The technology years

    After my father’s translation of Dune was published, it became, and still is, my all-time favorite book. I did surprisingly little reading as a child, and even less as a young man. To say that I couldn’t stand the educational system is an understatement. I dropped out at the first chance I had, which was at the start of University, when I got my first full-time job as a C# coder.

    As an employee, I became even more interested in computer hardware. While programming software for various companies, I devoured news about processors, storage and pretty much anything concerning computers.

    Eventually, I became so engrossed in this that I found myself publishing my first few articles on The Inquirer, a British tech website. A year earlier, in 2006, I published articles that could fill two books while covering the Formula 1 season. It’s a sport I’m no longer interested in – and I plan to explain exactly why at some point in the future.

    In 2010, I moved to Sweden together with my girlfriend and begun work at my second game. Without a full-time job to slow me down, this was guaranteed to be a success, since I had lots of time to put into the project and an artist to help me. After two years of working 12 hour days, I realized the project has no chance of being done in the third year and got a full-time job. The game I was working on, Alien Invasion, never made it past the pre-Alpha stage.

    The writing years

    After starting my first full-time job in Sweden, I did a lot of soul-searching. The almost-unhealthy partnership with technology stabilized to more acceptable levels. My girlfriend, who in 2013 became my wife, is partially to thank for this. I began investing more time into writing and also resumed reading literature – a welcomed change after a decade of intensely parsing the news.

    Most of my free time in the last couple of years consisted in personal development of all kinds: meditation, introspection, sports and workshops. I also began to seriously consider my intellectual diet: games, music, movies… everything that gets inside my brain. It goes without saying that I’ve been taking better care of my body as well.

    And here I am, as ready as I’ll ever be. The writing years begin now. Sure, I’ll maintain my day job for some time to come, and I’ll continue keeping a watchful eye on technology. VR gaming, I’m looking at you! But other than that, I officially consider myself as a new student of this world, doing his homework in the public space. And now, with my first opinion or analysis^ piece on Mentatul, let the writing begin!

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  • Mission Statement

    Mission Statement

    Art needs no purpose. Yet, the project that I am launching now is a joining between artistic endeavor and a wide range of intent. If I were to choose a single word that should define Mentatul’s trajectory, that word would be “change”.

    Before my adventure starts though, I would like to set out some guidelines for performing my craft. These will become the beacons for everything that I shall publish and I will strive to follow the route that I envision.

    This is part of a series detailing the intellectual pillars of my craft. The other two are:
    “Why Am I Writing?”^, which details my motivations.
    “Micro Biography”^, which covers the essential history that brought me here.

    Now… what is my purpose and how do I want to achieve it?

    Respect the people; they are your brothers and sisters

    I see each and every one of you as a dear sibling. Honestly. With every word I will write, I will remain aware of the fact that, like me, other beings have dreams, have endured hardships and probably have a long way ahead of them still. Humans and their activities and culture are a source of great inspiration and motivation for writing. This demands not only a respectful approach, but also a sense of wonder at the unfolding story of this Universe.

    Since I don’t usually write for myself, I must carefully consider my audience. Although I value my independence as a writer, I must also value my readers’ time. That is why I will attempt to keep my entries short and pleasant to read.

    Take sides; take all sides

    I’d like to give a name to this approach: “generalized-subjectivity”. Rather than being objective and detached from the various actors and matters I will cover, my attitude will be one of complete involvement.

    This style is meant to strengthen the emotional connection with a certain subject and promote compassion in my writing. Not only will this ensure objectivity, but it comes with the added benefit of encouraging a positive discussion that respects all sides.

    Language is more than a tool; words are eternal advocates

    In my view, respect must also be given to the medium that allows me to share my thoughts. Language gives thoughts a form. In order for that form to be both beautiful and expressive, I will need to explore and improve my vocabulary. Only so will I be able to discover how to use words in the most effective and harmonious ways. And because words have a tendency to outlast their writer, it is my responsibility to see that my writing withstands the test of time. However…

    Don’t fear being wrong; write with passion, learn

    Mistakes can and will happen. During my previous online publishing stints (upon which I touched in the third part of this series), I have adopted a perfectionist attitude towards my art. This has hurt my literary output while providing almost no long-term benefits. I’m too much of a perfectionist to simply become sloppy this time around, but I will definitely put a few doors between me and my inner critic.

    There are certain risks that arise from having a passionate style of expression, especially in the case of analytical writing. However, when necessary, these risks will not stop me from being intense. I can’t conceive writing about a subject unless I’m very interested in it. Even so, one guideline that I will always have in mind is that I should aim to find the balance between passion and fairness, between being categorical and maintaining a polite, respectful tone.

    Challenge to discussion; it is a source of progress

    Communication has the power to cure fear. By ridding ourselves of fear, we can truly blossom. The project I’m launching now is more than a creative outlet, it is a community. I would like to give you the opportunity to speak and the space to challenge everything you read here. You can engage through quick comments, brief engagement on social media or by joining the Forum.

    Even more, as Mentatul progresses, and once I have made the relevant steps, there are also plans for involving a Wiki into the project. The usefulness of this will become obvious soon enough.

    Encourage readers to dig deeper and keep an open mind

    One of the most fundamental aspects of existence, I believe, is the fact that almost everything we take for granted is not what it appears to be. No matter how hard I could try, there will be flaws in my reasoning. I therefore beg of you, reader, to search for other points of view. Explore the fountain of knowledge that is our society and never stop questioning. Always keep with you some of the curiosity of a child.

    At times, I will write very short entries, suggesting an article or offering some tidbit of information I considered worthy. Sometimes, I’ll do it without even the slightest comment, waiting for your reaction. It is my hope that your stay here will be inspiring and moving. With all this in mind, I shall now craft.

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  • Why Am I Writing?

    Why Am I Writing?

    Today, I am setting off on a beautiful journey. I’ve been preparing myself for this adventure ever since I was a child. Now, it is finally time to untie the ropes of my sky-ship and rise into the unknown.

    But before I take this most important step in my career as a writer, I would like to take some time and reflect upon what I consider to be the three pillars of my craft: motivation, purpose and history. In other words: why am I writing, what do I wish to achieve through my art and what are those aspects of my history that brought these words in front of your eyes.

    With great honesty and care, I will describe what each of these three pillars mean for me. It all starts with motivation and this is the subject of my first writing in this new part of my life.

    I have analyzed the other two pillars of my craft in:
    “Mission Statement”^, which details my purposes.
    “Micro Biography”^, which covers the essential history that brought me here.

    Now… why am I typing this?

    I love it

    What could be simpler and more honest than this admission? Yes, I love writing and the way it enhances the conscious experience. I love putting thoughts together and witnessing the reflections they summon in the mirrors of our minds.

    Words are chameleons made of thoughts. They can be surgically precise or wonderfully abstract. Lawyers use them like weapons through courtroom battlefields while artists nourish the imagination with their magical power. There are very few things indeed that I enjoy more than passing a mental image onwards, bringing concepts out into the open or contributing to worthwhile discussions.

    I love sharing my creative energy

    The emotion of love is fundamental to human existence and, by extent, to my own work. This is why the word is so prominently featured in this text. I have received very positive feedback regarding my writing. It is natural to love doing something good and to share it with people who can appreciate.

    It is also a fact that I have an ample supply of creative energy. It’s not something I sought or worked for. But I feel it is respectful to use my talent in a way that can benefit my brothers and sisters, something that I will strive to do the best I can.

    Despite my intentions, whenever I write something, especially if it’s a work regarding the world we currently live in, there is a risk of making mistakes. And this leads me to the next point.

    I am curious to discover more and to discover myself

    Through the reactions I get to my writing, I can refine and adjust my opinions. A deep desire for learning is the chief motivator here. I think that understanding and accepting criticism is a vital part of a person’s evolution and my goal is to be someone whose judgment can be relied on.

    By giving shape to my thoughts, I encourage a process of self-discovery and analysis. It is almost therapeutic in nature and can trigger profound changes. Events in the surrounding world are the weathering forces that shape one’s mind. Inspecting these events is a source of knowledge.

    I believe in change

    Before even daring to propose that my writing could change anything in the society I live in, I wish to embrace and take part in the healthy changes that must first take place in me. However, this will not be a chaotic selection, because consciousness is here to judge which changes should happen, and which assumptions are meant to be removed.

    Ultimately though, one of my motivations is to contribute to the public dialogue towards improving the world I am a part of. I feel that the most effective way I can bring about positive change is to write in a patient and understanding manner, guided by compassion and love. And this is what I will set out to do.

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