Best of 2017

Best 99 Things That Happened in 2017

There’s a lot of negative news out here, and for good reason I’d say. The world has indeed improved since a century ago, but we as a species know we can do better. I’m happy to see that people strive in that direction by wanting to improve and shouting about those things that are obviously wrong with our civilization.

But here’s a list of good news from around the world. And all of these happened in one, single year!

Space X Falcon 9

The next Step after the Reuse of Space Launch Vehicles

After several failed attempts, SpaceX made history when it managed to successfully land its reusable Falcon 9 rocket booster on a (robotic) ship stationed off the Florida coast.

The road towards efficient space exploration and development is, however, a long one. Let’s think bigger. Let’s think about large space stations, asteroid mining, colonies on the Moon and Mars. Many of these projects will need an initial investment originating from Earth, probably consisting of pre-manufactured goods. As a species, we have to think long-term.