Category: Inspirational

Inspirational news.

  • Man Who Makes Friends within Ku Klux Klan Is a True Role Model

    Man Who Makes Friends within Ku Klux Klan Is a True Role Model

    By providing an inspiring real life story of how empathy can change the world, this man has become a living embodiment of what society can achieve when it doesn’t fall prey to fear and hate:^

    When he started making friends among the KKK, Daryl embraced “the enemy” because deep inside he knew that there is no enemy. People make mistakes; they sometimes end up on a path that leads to suffering because they had few alternatives. That doesn’t make them any less human than the ones on the “other side”. But one important fact is that we’re all in the same boat. It’s up to us – to all of us – to grow each other up and to make sure that the boat we’re on becomes a party boat towards a beautiful land, not a dirge heading for the cemetery.

    White supremacists, Islamic extremists, corporate crooks and whatever “villains” you can think of, they all begin as innocent, harmless babies. It’s the society that people live in that turns them into something that they themselves probably would have hated as children to hear that they could become. No baby is born with a desire to do harm. Yes, we do have an instinct for survival which demands that some basic physical needs are met. But in most (unfortunately not all) societies on Earth there’s quite a stretch until a human will kill another human for food.

    I can name at least one Nobel Peace Prize winner who doesn’t deserve that honor as much as Daryl. It takes not only courage but also love to make one go there, on the front lines, facing those that would do one harm. I wish more people will soon think and do as Daryl and make friends within the groups they despise most. It is something I also have been doing, which is why Daryl’s much more meaningful work has a special meaning to me as I am championing the same cause. Communication is a prime ingredient of peace. I believe that such actions are essential if we wish to take our next evolutionary step forward not only as a society but also as a species.

    Empathy saves!

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’Man Who Makes Friends within Ku Klux Klan Is a True Role Model’ desc=’By providing an inspiring real life story of how empathy can change the world, this man has become a living embodiment of what society can achieve when it doesn't fall prey to fear and hate.’]

  • A Birth of Art

    A Birth of Art

    More than a bit of time has passed since April Fools’ Day 2017, but this year there was at least one fantastic initiative that has to be remembered. Reddit launched an amazing 3 day experiment it called Place. You can see it and read all about it in this excellent article:^

    Stuff like this fills me with hope for the future of humanity. We’ve made it a long way and we sure can make it much further than this. What I see in Reddit’s Place is a snapshot of the Internet’s intellectual health, which I consider to be extremely important for our future. Things seem to be not as bad as I thought and this is wonderful.

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’A Birth of Art’ desc=’Reddit did an amazing 3 day experiment it called Place.’]

  • The Importance of Empathy

    The Importance of Empathy

    This wonderful video explains in no uncertain terms why empathy is important, how empathy should work and examples of proper empathetic behavior:^

    The video can also be found below:^ or^

    Some people are empathy deficient while others have so much of it that it can become overwhelming under certain conditions. But empathy is a skill and like all skills it can be trained. Through practice, we can hone our empathy so that it aligns with our society’s natural tendency towards evolution and success through mutual support.

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’The Importance of Empathy’ desc=’This wonderful video explains in no uncertain terms why empathy is important.’]

  • Taking People out of Their Boxes

    Taking People out of Their Boxes

    Here’s a touching, beautiful video about how to understand and appreciate a multicultural society:^

    Even though this is a commercial for a Danish TV channel, it is simply too good not to share. I wish that the spirit of this message will spread far and wide and those that see only the bad parts of multiculturalism will connect to its positive aspects. There is endless potential in the richness of diversity.

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’Taking People out of Their Boxes’ desc=’Here's a touching, beautiful video about how to understand and appreciate a multicultural society.’]

  • 60 Seconds Documentaries

    60 Seconds Documentaries

    Because the attention span of the average Internet denizen has decreased a lot, especially during these times of information overload, new ways of presenting information are always welcome. Enter 60 seconds documentaries.

    I linked a few, starting with this very funny goat yoga event:^

    Chainsaw artist:^

    Camel decoration:^

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’60 Seconds Documentaries’ desc=’The attention span of the average Internet denizen has decreased a lot. New ways of presenting information are always welcome.’]

  • The Great Work

    The Great Work

    The concept of a life’s Great Work is often mentioned in association with famous artists, social leaders, scientists and so on. That is simply because the Great Works of these people went on to influence very many others. However, we all have these experiential masterpieces hidden within us, just waiting to be manifested fully. It’s not a matter of fame at all. A Work is Great if even one being is greatly thankful for it.

    Life has an infinite amount of potential. Often though, we find ourselves at a crossroads, unsure how to unlock what lies within. And this is where Robin’s book comes in. You can see it as a map for reaching a life’s hidden potential:^

    The book’s description resonated deeply with me. I completely agree with the message. As I explained in a previous posting^, I am of the opinion that art is “anything that expresses free will in order to stimulate an intense emotional response”. By reinterpreting the definition of art and celebrating its myriad facets, I share the belief that a Great Work lies within everybody – as an obvious effect of the fact that we are all artists, expressing through our various professions. A scientist turns future-telling into art, a social leader turns communication into art and a good driver weaves speed and safety together into an artful drive.

    I am extremely happy to see that this book exists. Having such a wide definition of art also means that I am very encouraging towards people to express their talent in any way they can. I would have loved to take this encouragement I have inside and put it into the perfect words for it to be transmitted. I realized I had this wish only when I learned about this book. I felt like lo and behold, the Universe has been merciful and here it is, a book that encourages and stokes the fire of creation and then some!

    I believe we are all not only capable, but are right now completing our Great Works. Life is one’s Great Work. But sometimes, much of it remains under wraps, hidden in the “corner of hope” of our imagination. Let’s shine some light towards that corner and bring out the beauty!

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’The Great Work’ desc=’We all have experiential masterpieces hidden within us, just waiting to be manifested fully.’]

  • The Earth without Art Is Just Eh…

    The Earth without Art Is Just Eh…

    This cute pun is quite old indeed by now, but I praise the anonymous that put forward these most beautiful words. A disarming, naked truth shines with amusement from this simple sentence, a lyrical gem.

    Personally, by “art” I do not understand “the arts”, as in: “a rather limited range of accepted creative expression and style”. My definition of art is “anything that expresses free will to draw an intense emotional response”. Food can be art, coming up with a beautiful surprise for a friend can be art.

    And when I say “free will”, I mean whatever each being uses as a motivator for actions. We call it “instinct” in other beings in order to separate it from the higher level of consciousness at which we believe ourselves to be. But a wolf has free will even if in its world it has a completely different (wolf-)rationalization than in ours.

    From the long lasting to the ephemeral, art has infinite manifestations, just like the Universe that gave it birth. Living this life is the art we are all given time to perform.

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’The Earth without Art Is Just Eh…’ desc=’The disarming, naked truth shines with amusement from this simple sentence, a lyrical gem.’]

  • What It Means to Be Holding Space for Someone

    What It Means to Be Holding Space for Someone

    Many of us have problems dealing with friends who are dealing with grief or are acutely or chronically depressed. This wonderful article provides some seriously useful information on the topic.^

    I try to keep a rather neutral tone on the website, or at least try to be open ended about everything I write about. I am also aware that I may be wrong with everything I think about (ahem, ahem, elections USA 2016?^). But in this case, I’m going to seriously ask you to read the article I linked. Come on, you made it this far, go and some extract some invaluable information out of that text.

    You don’t even have to read it word for word! It’s good enough if you read most of it. Enjoy! Oh, and if you ever want to thank me, share this post with somebody (couldn’t help it, sorry. Writers have to become popular if they want any sort of chance in life and besides, this is information worth sharing).

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’What It Means to Be Holding Space for Someone’ desc=’Many of us have problems dealing with friends who are dealing with grief or are acutely or chronically depressed. This wonderful article provides some seriously useful information on the topic.’]

  • Four Awesome Photo Series

    Four Awesome Photo Series

    These four amazing photography sets have showed their goods in front of my eyes in the past few months. After the ensuing visual orgasm, I have decided to share these with you, dear Reader.

    Wildlife photographer of the year 2016:^

    The most influential images of all time:^

    20 Awesome modern sculptures:^

    The very best drone photography of 2016:^

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’Four Awesome Photo Series’ desc=’These four amazing photography sets have showed their goods in front of my eyes in the past few months. After the ensuing visual orgasm, I have decided to share these with you, dear Reader.’]

  • Today I Rise

    Today I Rise

    Although I do not consider myself a feminist, I have advocated women’s rights for as long as I can remember. This is one of the most inspirational and moving works of art created for the purpose of empowering women:^

    Most societies on Earth are still a long way from treating women fairly. The sooner we do that, the sooner we can reach peak efficiency as a species. It’s not about tapping into the full range of human talent, although a solid business case could be made. It’s about making the gender symbiosis work as it should: from the procreation of the species to the procreation of ideas that will lead to the next evolutionary step.

    [ax_meta lnimgurl=’’ lnimgw=’250′ lnimgh=’250′ title=’Today I Rise’ desc=’This is one of the most inspirational and moving works of art created for the purpose of empowering women.’]